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(lat.) Chem. und physikal. einheitl. Bestandteile der Erdkruste. Künstl. erzeugte kristalline Stoffe gelten nicht als M., während kristallisierte Stoffe, die unabsichtl. durch menschl. Tätigkeit entstehen, zu den M. zählen (z.B. Ausblühungen an Gebäuden, Stalaktiten in Schächten).

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Naturally formed inorganic substance with a particular chemical composition and a regularly repeating internal structure. Either in their perfect crystalline form or otherwise, minerals are the constituents of rocks. In more general usage, a mineral is any substance economically valuable for mining (including coal and oil, despite their organic origins).
Mineral-forming processes include: melting of preexisting rock and subsequent crystallization of a mineral to form magmatic or volcanic rocks; weathering of rocks exp
osed at the land surface, with subsequent transport and grading by surface waters, ice or wind to form sediments; and recrystallization through increasing temperature and pressure with depth to form metamorphic rocks.
Minerals are usually classified as magmatic, sedimentary, or metamorphic. The magmatic minerals include the feldspars, quartz, pyroxenes, amphiboles, micas, and olivines that crystallize from silica-rich rock melts within the crust or from extruded lavas.
The most commonly occurring sedimentary minerals are either pure concentrates or mixtures of sand, clay minerals, and carbonates (chiefly calcite, aragonite, and dolomite).
Minerals typical of metamorphism include andalusite, cordierite, garnet, tremolite, lawsonite, pumpellyite, glaucophane, wollastonite, chlorite, micas, hornblende, staurolite, kyanite, and diopside.
Ice is also a mineral, the crystalline form of water, H2O.
Related to Mine.
Solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition.
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Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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