Milosz prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Milosz | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodlično ime

Czeslaw, 30.6.1911, poln. Schriftst.; emigrierte 1951 nach Frankreich, seit 1958 in den USA; bes. Lyriker u. Essayist; 1980 Nobelpreis für Literatur.


muški rodlično ime

(1911-) Polish-American writer. He became a diplomat before defecting and becoming a US citizen. His poetry in English translation, classical in style, includes Selected Poems 1973 and Bells in Winter 1978.
His collection of essays The Captive Mind 1953 concerns the impact of communism on Polish intellectuals. Among his novels are The Seizure of Power 1955, The Issa Valley 1981, and The Land of Ulro 1984. Nobel Prize for Literature 1980.
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Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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