Memorandum prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Memorandum | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Denkschrift, ausführl. diplomat. Note.

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srpski · francuski



ETYM Latin, something to be remembered, neut. of memorandus, fut. pass. p. of memorare. Related to Memorable.
(Irregular plural: memorandums, or: memoranda).
1. A record of something wh
ich it is desired to remember; a note to help the memory.
2. A brief or informal note in writing of some transaction, or an outline of an intended instrument; an instrument drawn up in a brief and compendious form.
Or memo written note or message giving information or issuing instructions. It is usually short and details who is sending the memo and to whom it should be distributed.
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memo · memoranda



ETYM Late Lat. minuta a small portion, small coin, from Latin minutus small: cf. French minute. Related to Minute.
A short note.
2. A unit of angular distance equal to a 60th of a degree; SYN. arcminute, minute of arc.
3. A unit of time equal to 60 seconds or 1/60th of an hour; SYN. min.
Also a unit of angle equal to one sixtieth of a degree.
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1. A brief written record
2. A short personal letter; SYN. short letter, line.
3. A comment (usually added to a text); SYN. annotation, notation.r /> 4. A notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound; SYN. musical note, tone.
5. A promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time; SYN. promissory note, note of hand.
6. A characteristic emotional quality
7. A tone of voice that shows what the speaker is feeling
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Memorandum | nemačko - engleski rečnik



(lat.)Denkschrift, ausführl. diplomat. Stellungnahme.

Prevedi Memorandum na:

srpski · francuski



ETYM Latin, something to be remembered, neut. of memorandus, fut. pass. p. of memorare. Related to Memorable.
(Irregular plural: memorandums, or: memoranda).
1. A record of something wh
ich it is desired to remember; a note to help the memory.
2. A brief or informal note in writing of some transaction, or an outline of an intended instrument; an instrument drawn up in a brief and compendious form.
Or memo written note or message giving information or issuing instructions. It is usually short and details who is sending the memo and to whom it should be distributed.
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memo · memoranda



1. A brief written record
2. A short personal letter; SYN. short letter, line.
3. A comment (usually added to a text); SYN. annotation, notation.r /> 4. A notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound; SYN. musical note, tone.
5. A promise to pay a specified amount on demand or at a certain time; SYN. promissory note, note of hand.
6. A characteristic emotional quality
7. A tone of voice that shows what the speaker is feeling
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Federal Reserve note · annotation · bank bill · bank note · banker's bill · banknote · bill · billet · distinction · eminence · government note · greenbac · line · musical note · notation · note of hand · preeminence · promissory note · short letter · tone + prikaži više

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