Markt prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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muški rodgramatika

Ein Platz, auf dem (in regelmäßigen Abständen) Waren verkauft werden (Wochen-M., Jahr-M., Messen). Danach bezeichnet man mit M. auch die Gesamtheit der ökonom. Beziehungen zw. Angebot u. Nachfrage nach einem bestimmten Gut innerhalb eines bestimmten Gebiets u. Zeitraums. Marktformen.

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ETYM Akin to Dutch markt, Old High Germ. markât, merkât, German markt.
1. The customers for a particular product or service.
2. The securities markets in the aggregate; SYN. securities industry.
3. The world of commercial activity where goods and services are
bought and sold; SYN. marketplace.
Any situation where buyers and sellers are in contact with each other. This could be a street market or it could be a world market where buyers and sellers communicate via letters, faxes, telephones, and representatives.
In a perfect or free market, there are many buyers and sellers, so that no single buyer or seller is able to influence the price of the product; there is therefore perfect competition in the market. In an imperfect market either a few buyers or sellers (or even just one) dominates the market.
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