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ženski rodgramatika

(griech. 'Raserei')in der Psychiatrie die über das normale Maß hinausgehende gehobene Stimmung mit grundloser Heiterkeit, übermütigem Verhalten, Selbstüberschätzung und Verschwendungssucht. Die M. ist Symptom einer endogenen Psychose, die immer wieder abklingen kann, zuweilen aber eine stationäre psychiatr. Behandlung erforderl. macht. Treten neben den manischen auch depressive Phasen auf, spricht man von manisch-depressiver Erkrankung (Irresein).

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ETYM Latin mania, Greek, to rage; cf. Old Eng. manie, French manie. Related to Mind, Necromancy.
1. A mood disorder; an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respond excessively and sometimes violently; SYN. manic disorder.
2. An irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action; SYN. passion, cacoethes.

cacoethes · manic disorder · passion



ETYM Old Eng. manere, French maničre, from Old Fren. manier, adj, manual, skillful, handy, from (assumed) Late Lat. manarius, for Latin manuarius belonging to the hand, from manus the hand. Related to Manual.
(Homonym: manor).
1. A kind.
2. A manner of performance; SYN. mode, style, way, fashion.
3. A way of acting or behaving; SYN. personal manner.
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fashion · mode · personal manner · style · way



ETYM Old Eng. wey, way, as. weg.
(Homonym: weigh, whey).
1. A course of conduct; SYN. path, way of life.
2. A general category of things; used in t
he expression.
3. A journey or passage.
4. A portion of something divided into shares.
5. Any road or path affording passage from one place to another.
6. Doing as one pleases or chooses.
7. The condition of things generally; or.
8. The property of distance in general; (colloquial); SYN. ways.
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agency · direction · elbow room · fashio · manner · means · mode · path · room · style · way of life + prikaži više

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