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ETYM Old Eng. cabage, from French cabus headed (of cabbages), chou cabus headed cabbage, cabbage head; cf. Italian capuccio a little head, cappuccio cowl, hood, cabbage, from capo head, Latin caput, or from Italian cappa cape. Related to Chief, Cape.
1. Any of various cultivars of the genus Brassica oleracea grown for their edible leaves or flowers; SYN. cultivated cabbage, Brassica oleracea.
2. Any of various types of cabbage; SYN. chou.
Plant Brassica oleracea of the cress family Cruciferae, allied to the turnip and wild mustard, or charlock. It is a table vegetable, cultivated as early as 2000 BC, and the numerous commercial varieties include kale, Brussels sprouts, common cabbage, savoy, cauliflower, sprouting broccoli, and kohlrabi.
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ETYM Scot. kale, kail, cale, colewort, Gael. cael; akin to Irish cal, w. cawl, Armor. kaol. Related to Cole.
1. A hardy cabbage with coarse curly leaves that do not form a head; SYN. kail, cole, borecole, colewort, Brassica oleracea acephala.
2. Coarse curly-leafed cabbage; SYN. kail, cole.
Type of cabbage.

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1. Food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables.
2. Flight attendant

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muški rodlično ime

Helmut, 3.4.1930, dt. Politiker (CDU); 1966–73 Landes-Vors. der CDU; 1969–76 Min.-Präs. von Rhld.-Pf., seit 1973 Partei-Vors., 1976–82 Vors. der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, durch ein konstruktives Mißtrauensvotum 1982 zum Bundeskanzler einer Koalition aus CDU/CSU u. FDP gewählt, nach den Bundestagswahlen 1983 u. 1987 wiedergewählt. Die von K. geführte Reg. betrieb eine aktive Wirtschafts- u. Sozialpolitik u. führte eine umfassende Steuerreform durch. Nach dem polit. Umsturz in der DDR 1989 realisierte die Reg. K. 1990 die dt. Einheit. K. wurde erster gesamtdt. Kanzler u. gewann mit seiner Regierungskoalition die ersten gesamtdt. Bundestagswahlen. 1988 erhielt K. den Karlspreis.

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(1930-) German conservative politician, leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) from 1976, West German chancellor (prime minister) 1982–90. He oversaw the reunification of East and West Germany 1989–90 and in 1990 won a resounding victory to become the first chancellor of reunited Germany. His miscalculation of the true costs of reunification and their subsequent effects on the German economy led to a dramatic fall in his popularity, but as the economy recovered, so did his public esteem, enabling him to achieve a historic fourth electoral victory 1994.
Kohl studied law and history before entering the chemical industry. Elected to the Rhineland-Palatinate Land (state) parliament 1959, he became state premier 1969. After the 1976 Bundestag (federal parliament) elections Kohl led the CDU in opposition. He became federal chancellor 1982, when the Free Democratic Party (FDP) withdrew support from the socialist Schmidt government, and was elected at the head of a new coalition that included the FDP. From 1984 Kohl was implicated in the Flick bribes scandal over the illegal business funding of political parties, but he was cleared of all charges 1986, and was reelected chancellor Jan 1987, Dec 1990, and Oct 1994.
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Kohl | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodbotanika

(Botanik) Brassica, Gatt. der Kreuzblütler; viele Gemüse- u. Ölpflanzen; u. a. Raps, Rübsen, (Schwarzer) Senf, Grün-, Weiß-, Rot-, Rosen-, Blumen-K., Kohlrabi, Wirsing.

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