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ETYM Latin, a kind of cactus, Greek.
Plant of the family Cactaceae, although the term is commonly applied to many different succulent and prickly plants. True cacti have a woody axis (central core) overlaid with an enlarged fleshy stem, which assumes various form
s and is usually covered with spines (actually reduced leaves). They all have special adaptations to growing in dry areas.
Cactus flowers are often large and brightly colored; the fruit is fleshy and often edible, as in the case of the prickly pear. The Cactaceae are a New World family and include the treelike saguaro and the night-blooming cereus with blossoms 30 cm/12 in across.
(Irregular plural: cacti or cactuses).
Any spiny succulent plant of the family Cactaceae native chiefly to arid regions of the New World.
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Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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