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ženski rod

ETYM. latin.
1. Plötzl. Einfall, Anregung oder Eingebung, die zu schöpfer. Tun führen kann.
2. In der Medizin Bez. für die Einatmungsphase (Gegensatz: Respiration).
Eingebung, die unmittelbare, rein passive Kenntnisnahme göttl. Mitteilungen (Offenbarungen). Übertragen spricht man auch von einer künstler.

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ETYM Latin, from afflare. Related to Afflation.
A strong creative impulse; divine inspiration.
Inspiration; divine impetus.
Divine breath; inspiration.



ETYM French inspiration, Latin inspiratio. Related to Inspire.
Spiritual influence that allows a person to think, speak, or act in a way that transcends ordinary human abilities. It can refer to a wide variety of religious experiences, including the presence of a “spiritus” or breath responsible for the inspiration.
Religious scripture
s are often believed to be inspired, although this may be understood in a variety of ways. Muslims believe that the Koran was directly revealed, word for word, by God through the prophethood of Mohammed. Christians disagree about the inspiration of the Bible: some believe it is the directly inspired word of God, whereas others give more importance to the human abilities of the writers, while still stressing God's influence on them.
1. A sudden intuition as part of solving a problem.
2. A product of one's creative thinking and work; SYN. brainchild.
3. Arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity.
4. Arousing to a particular emotion or action; SYN. stirring.
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aspiration · brainchild · breathing in · divine guidance · inhalation · stirring + prikaži više

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
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