Impuls prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Impuls | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodgramatika

(allgemein) Anstoß, Antrieb; Entschluß, der dem Augenblick entspringt.
ETYM. latin.
1. Physikal. eine kurzzeitige, vom Normalwert abweichende Größe als Produkt vo
n Kraft und Dauer. Wirkt der I. auf einen Körper, verändert sich dessen Bewegungsgröße (Masse x Geschwindigkeit). Ist die Bewegungsgröße gleich Null, so ist der I. mit ihr ident. In Elektronik und Elektrotechnik ist I. die Bez. für einen kurzen Strom-Stoß.
2. In der Psychologie Bez. für einen momentanen Verhaltensanstoß (auslösendes Moment).

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ETYM Latin impulsus, from impellere. Related to Impel.
The act of applying force suddenly; SYN. impulsion, impetus.
In mechanics, the product of a force and the time over
which it acts. An impulse applied to a body causes its momentum to change and is equal to that change in momentum. It is measured in newton seconds.
For example, the impulse J given to a football when it is kicked is given by.
J = Ft.
Where F is the kick force in newtons and t is the time in seconds for which the boot is in contact with the ball.
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ETYM Latin See Moment.
1. An impelling force or strength; SYN. impulse.
2. The product of a body's mass and its velocity.
In physics, the product of the mass of a body and its linear velocity. The angular momentum of an orbiting or rotating body
is the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity. The momentum of a body does not change unless it is acted on by an external force; angular momentum does not change unless it is acted upon by a turning force, or torque.
The law of conservation of momentum is one of the fundamental concepts of classical physics. It states that the total momentum of all bodies in a closed system is constant and unaffected by processes occurring within the system. Angular momentum is similarly conserved in a closed system.
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1. The rate at which the heart beats; SYN. heart rate.
2. The rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart; SYN. pulsation, heartbeat, beat.
Impulse transmitted by the heartbeat throug
hout the arterial systems of vertebrates. When the heart muscle contracts, it forces blood into the aorta (the chief artery). Because the arteries are elastic, the sudden rise of pressure causes a throb or sudden swelling through them. The actual flow of the blood is about 60 cm/2 ft a second in humans. The average adult pulse rate is generally about 70 per minute. The pulse can be felt where an artery is near the surface, for example in the wrist or the neck. + prikaži više

Impuls | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodfizika

(Physik) 1. die Bewegungsgröße eines Körpers, d. h. das Produkt aus Masse u. Geschwindigkeit; 2. (gelegentlich auch) der Kraftstoß, d. h. die Änderung der Bewegungsgröße bei einer kurzzeitig wirkenden Kraft (Schlag, Stoß); 3. (im übertragenen Sinn) ein kurzzeitiger elektr. Spannungs- oder Stromstoß.

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Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
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ženski rod, železnica
glagol, gramatika