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(Hoogh)Pieter de, niederl. Maler, Rotterdam (getauft) 20.12.1629, +Amsterdam nach 1684, Hauptmeister der holländ. Interieurmalerei. Schüler N. Berchems, tätig im Haag, in Delft und seit 1667 in Amsterdam. Er bildete seine Interieurmalerei unter dem Einfluß von Fabritius und Vermeer aus, gibt meist Durchblicke durch einen klar geordneten Innenraum, mit Sicht auf einen hell durchsonnten zweiten Raum und weiterhin Blick auf Garten oder Straße, in einheitlichem Luft-Farb-Ton. Seine besten Arbeiten stammen aus der Delfter Zeit 1655/1665, als er mit Vermeer in Wettbewerb trat. Werke: 'Die Wäscherin' (Toledo/Ohio, Museum of Art). 'Der Hinterhof' (1658, London, National Gallery). 'Mutter an der Wiege' (Berlin, Staatliche Museen). 'Kartenspieler' (Paris, Louvre).

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muški rodlično ime

(1629-1684) Dutch painter. He was active in Delft and, later, Amsterdam. The harmonious domestic interiors and courtyards of his Delft period were influenced by Vermeer. The Courtyard of a House in Delft 1658 (National Gallery, London) is a typical work.
He is something more than a genre painter,
for though his courtyards and interiors with their domestic figures and visitors give fascinating glimpses of everyday life, the beauty of these compositions primarily depends on the sense of space, the effect of light and exquisitely calculated arrangement, as for example in the Courtyard of a Dutch House and the Boy bringing Pomegranates (Wallace Collection, London). An unfortunate change came over his work after 1657 and his move to Amsterdam, when his efforts to depict fashionable society in luxurious surroundings retained little trace of his earlier quality. At his best he comes near to Vermeer. + prikaži više

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