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Allgemeine Bezeichnung für eine Gruppe von Mikroorganismen, die Hefepilze (Pilze).
Die Backhefe, die als Press- oder Trockenhefe in den Handel kommt, entwickelt wie d
ie Bierhefe und die Weinhefe Kohlendioxid, das den Teig lockert und aufgehen lässt.
Viele Hefearten (Schimmelpilze) können auch zum Verderb von Lebensmitteln führen.
H.pilze, einzellige Organismen, die sich durch Zellsprossung vermehren; in Reinkultur gezüchtet u. in Gärungsbetrieben u. als Treibmittel in der Bäckerei verwendet.

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Gärungsstoff · Bäckerhefe · Backhefe · Bärme · Bierhefe · Candida robusta · Gärmittel · Germ · Gest · Saccharomyces cerevisiae · Triebmittel + prikaži više
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ETYM Old Eng. levain, levein, French levain, Latin levamen alleviation, mitigation; but taken in the sense of, a raising, that which raises, from levare to raise. Related to Lever.
1. A substance used to produce fermentation in dough or a l
iquid; SYN. leavening.
2. An influence that works subtly to lighten or modify something; SYN. leavening.
Element inducing fermentation. The term is applied to the yeast added to dough in bread making; it is used figuratively to describe any pervasive influence, usually in a good sense, although in the Old Testament it symbolized corruption, and unleavened bread was used in sacrifice.
During the Jewish festival of Pesach (Passover), all leaven is removed from the house.
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1. The act of aerating, or causing to ferment, by means of a leavening agent (such as yeast or baking powder).
2. The agent (such as yeast) which leavens.




ETYM Old Eng. yeest, yest, AS. gist; akin to Dutch gest, gist, German gischt, gäscht, Old High Germ. jesan, jerian, to ferment, German gischen, gäschen, gähren, Greek zein to boil, Skr. yas.
One of various single-celled fungi (especially the genus Saccharomyces) that f
orm masses of minute circular or oval cells by budding. When placed in a sugar solution the cells multiply and convert the sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Yeasts are used as fermenting agents in baking, brewing, and the making of wine and spirits. Brewer’s yeast S. cerevisiae is a rich source of vitamin B.
1. A commercial leavening agent containing yeast cells; used to raise the dough in making bread and for fermenting beer or whiskey; SYN. barm.
2. Any of various single-celled fungi that reproduce asexually by budding or division.
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