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ženski rodgramatika

1. Allg. das willentl. menschl. Tun auf ein Ziel hin.
2. In literar. Werken und im Film Folge der Ereignisse, wobei häufig mehrere H.strän
ge miteinander verflochten oder zeitl. versetzte H. dargestellt werden.
3. Jurist. ein willentl. Verhalten, das durch Tun oder Unterlassen zu einem zu ahndenden Tatbestand führt. Für die strafrechtl. Würdigung eines Delikts ist die H.freiheit und H.fähigkeit des Täters von Bedeutung.

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ETYM Old Fren. action, Latin actio, from agere to do. Related to Act.
1. Something done (usually as opposed to something said).
2. An act by a government body or su
pranational organization.
3. The operating part that transmits power to a mechanism.
4. The series of events that form a plot.
5. The state of being active; SYN. activity, activeness.
6. The trait of being active and energetic and forceful.
7. The most important or interesting work or activity in a specific area or field
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The trait of being active; moving or acting rapidly and energetically; SYN. activity.
The state of being active

action · activit · activity



1. The story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc.
2. A secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal); SYN. secret plan.
3. A small area of planted ground; SYN. plot of ground, patch.
4. A chart or map showing the movements or progress of an object.
The storyline in a novel, play, film, or other work of
fiction. A plot is traditionally a scheme of connected events.
Novelists in particular have at times tried to subvert or ignore the reader's expectation of a causally linked story with a clear beginning, middle, and end, with no loose ends. James Joyce and Virginia Woolf wrote novels that explore the minutiae of a character's experience, rather than telling a tale. However, the tradition that the novel must tell a story, whatever else it may do, survives for the most part intact.
English novelist E M Forster defined it thus: The king died and then the queen died. The king died and then the queen died of grief at the king's death. The first is the beginning of a series of events; the second is the beginning of a plot.
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game · patch · plot of ground · secret plan

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
glagol, gramatika