Getriebe prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Getriebe | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Vorrichtung zur Kopplung u. Umwandlung von Bewegungen u. Energien beliebiger Art. Die in das G. eingeleitete Bewegung kann drehend oder schiebend (hin- u. hergehend) sein. Ausführungsformen: Reibrad-, Zahnrad-, Seil-, Keilriemen-, Ketten-, hydraul. G. u. a.; Differential.
w.S. eine Vorrichtung zur Zusammenführung und Umwandlung von Bewegungen und zur Energieübertragung; i.e.S. eine Vorrichtung zur Übertragung einer Drehbewegung von einer Welle auf eine andere (Drehmomentenwandler). Es gibt mehrere G.glieder: Starrglieder (Kurbeln, Räder, Stangen, Wellen u.a.), verformbare Glieder (Riemen, Bänder, Seile, Ketten, aber auch Flüssigkeiten, Gase u.a.). Typ. G.arten sind Schrauben-, Kurbel-, Kurven-, Sperr-, Räder- (Zahnrad-), Druckmittelgetriebe; Kfz.-G. sind Wechselgetriebe mit versch. Übersetzungsverhältnissen (sog. Gänge).

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Toothed wheel that transmits the turning movement of one shaft to another shaft. Gear wheels may be used in pairs, or in threes if both shafts are to turn in the same direction. The gear ratio —the ratio of the number of teeth on the two wheels— determines the torque ratio, the turning force on the output shaft compared with the turning force on the input shaft. The ratio of the angular velocities of the shafts is the inverse of the gear ratio.
The common type of gear for parallel shafts is the spur gear, with straight teeth parallel to the shaft axis. The helical gear has teeth cut along sections of a helix or corkscrew shape; the double form of the helix gear is the most efficient for energy transfer. Bevil gears, with tapering teeth set on the base of a cone, are used to connect intersecting shafts.
1. A mechanism for transmitting motion by gears for some specific purpose (as the steering gear of a vehicle); SYN. gear mechanism.
2. A toothed wheel that engages another toothed mechanism in order to change the speed or direction of transmitted motion; SYN. gear wheel, cogwheel.
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gear unit




The metal casing in which a train of gears is sealed; SYN. gear case. gear-box, gear box

gear case



A connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed; SYN. gears, geartrain, power train, train.

gear · geartrain · power train · train

gearing mechanism




ETYM Cf. French mécanisme, Latin mechanisma. Related to Mechanic.
Belief that life is explainable by mechanical forces.
In philosophy, a system of adapted parts working together, as in a machine. Mechanists hold that all natural phenomena admit of mechanical explanation, and that no reference to
teleology (purpose or design) is necessary. In political philosophy, mechanists (like English thinkers Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jeremy Bentham, and J S Mill) see the state as more or less the sum of the individuals composing it, and not as an entity in its own right (which is organicism).
1. A piece of machinery or a mechanical device; has moving parts that perform some function.
2. Technical aspects of doing something; SYN. mechanics.
3. A natural object resembling a machine in structure and function.
4. The atomic process that occurs during a chemical reaction; SYN. chemical mechanism.
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chemical mechanism · mechanics



ETYM Latin transmissio; cf. French transmission. Related to Transmit.
1. Communication by means of transmitted signals.
2. The act of sending a message; causing a message to be transmitted; SYN. transmittal, transmitting.
3. The gears that transmit power from an automobile engine via the driveshaft to the live axle.

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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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ženski rod, telekomunikacije