Gesicht prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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vorderer Teil des Kopfes bei Säugetieren, v.a. aber beim Menschen mit Stirn, Augen, Nasen (-knorpel), Mund, Wangen, Kinn und spezif. G.muskulatur. Der Knochenbau des G. wird vom Stirnbein, den Schläfenbeinen und G.schädel mit bewegl. Unterkiefer bestimmt. Wichtigstes Sinnesorgan des G. ist das Augenpaar; die G.muskulatur bewirkt den jeweiligen G.ausdruck (Mimik), und die Verfaßtheit der G.haut (Durchblutung, Pigmentgehalt) bestimmt die G.farbe.
Facies, auch Physiognomie, der vordere Teil des Kopfes.

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ETYM French, from Latin facies form, shape, face, perh. from facere to make (see Fact); or perh. orig. meaning appearance, and from a root meaning to shine, and akin to Eng. fancy. Related to Facetious.
1. The front of the head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear; SYN. human face.
2. The part of an ani
mal corresponding to the human face.
3. The general outward appearance of something.
4. (Synecdoche) A part of a person is used to refer to a person.
5. The act of confronting bravely; SYN. facing.
6. A vertical surface of a building or cliff.
7. Status in the eyes of others.
8. The side upon which the use of a thing depends (usually the most prominent surface of an object).
9. The striking or working surface of an implement.
In geometry, a plane surface of a solid enclosed by edges. A cube has six square faces, a cuboid has six rectangular faces, and a tetrahedron has four triangular faces.
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