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ženski rod

ein System von Gebärden u. Bewegungen mit konventionell festgelegter Bedeutung, früher als Ersatzsprache für Taubstumme gelehrt.

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Imitation of one species (or group of species) by another. The most common form is Batesian mimicry (named for English naturalist H W Bates), where the mimic resembles a model that is poisonous or unpleasant to eat, and has aposematic, or warning, coloration; the mimic thus benefits from the fact that predators have learned to avoid the model. Hoverflies that resemble bees or wasps are an example. Appearance is usually the basis for mimicry, but calls, songs, scents, and other signals can also be mimicked.
In Mullerian mimicry, two or more equally poisonous or distasteful species have a similar color pattern, thereby reinforcing the warning each gives to predators. In some cases, mimicry is not for protection, but allows the mimic to prey on, or parasitize, the model.
The resemblance of an animal species to another species or to natural objects; provides concealment and protection from predators.
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sign language


Language used by deaf people that involves movements of the hands, face, and the upper part of the body, not the voice. Signs do not correspond exactly to words as their meaning depends on the “speaker’s” movements and facial expressions. There are as many sign languages as there are spoken ones.


Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
glagol, gramatika