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Europa | nemačko - engleski rečnik



West-E. verfügt über das dichteste Schienennetz der Erde. Hauptverkehrsträger für Güter u. Personen ist aber der Straßenverkehr (bes. in West-E.). Das dichte Netz von Binnenwasserstraßen, deren wichtigste Achsen Rhein, Rhône u. Donau sind, ist durch zahlr. Kanäle ergänzt worden. Von rasch zunehmender Bedeutung ist der Flugverkehr.

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The 2nd smallest continent (actually a vast peninsula of Eurasia); the British use 'Europe' to refer to all of the continent except the British Isles.
Second-smallest continent, occupying 8% of the Earth's surface
area 10,400,000 sq km/4,000,000 sq mi
largest cities (population over 1.5 million) Athens, Barcelona, Berlin, Birmingham, Bucharest, Budapest, Hamburg, Istanbul, Kharkov, Kiev, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Manchester, Milan, Moscow, Paris, Rome, St Petersburg, Vienna, Warsaw
features Mount Elbruz 5,642 m/18,517 ft in the Caucasus Mountains is the highest peak in Europe; Mont Blanc 4,807 m/15,772 ft is the highest peak in the Alps; lakes (over 5,100 sq km/2,000 sq mi) include Ladoga, Onega, Vänern; rivers (over 800 km/500 mi) include the Volga, Danube, Dnieper Ural, Don, Pechora, Dniester, Rhine, Loire, Tagus, Ebro, Oder, Prut, Rhône
physical conventionally occupying that part of Eurasia to the W of the Ural Mountains, N of the Caucasus Mountains and N of the Sea of Marmara; Europe lies entirely in the northern hemisphere between 36ş N and the Arctic Ocean. About two-thirds of the continent is a great plain which covers the whole of European Russia and spreads westward through Poland to the Low Countries and the Bay of Biscay. To the N lie the Scandinavian highlands rising to 2,472 m/8,110 ft a
t Glittertind in the Jotenheim range of Norway. To the S, a series of mountain ranges stretch E–W (Caucasus, Balkans, Carpathians, Apennines, Alps, Pyrenees, and Sierra Nevada). The most westerly point of the mainland is Cape Roca in Portugal; the most southerly location is Tarifa Point in Spain; the most northerly point on the mainland is Nordkynn in Norway.
A line from the Baltic to the Black Sea divides Europe between an eastern continental region and a western region characterized by a series of peninsulas that include Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, and Finland), Jutland (Denmark and Germany), Iberia (Spain and Portugal), and Italy and the Balkans (Greece, Albania, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and European Turkey). Because of the large number of bays, inlets, and peninsulas, the coastline is longer in proportion to its size than that of any other continent. The largest islands adjacent to continental Europe are the British Isles, Novaya Zemlya, Sicily, Sardinia, Crete, Corsica, Gotland (in the Baltic Sea), and the Balearic Islands; other more distant islands associated with Europe include Iceland, Svalbard, Franz Josef Land, Madeira, the Azores, and the Canary Islands.
climate the greater part of Europe falls within the northern temperate zone which is modified by the Gulf Stream in the NW; Central Europe has warm summers and cold winters; the Mediterranean coast has comparatively mild winters and hot summers
industries nearly 50% of the world’s automobiles are produced in Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Latvia, Belarus, UK); the rate of fertilizer consumption on agricultural land is four times greater than that in any other continent; Europe produces 43% of the world’s barley (Germany, Spain, France, UK), 41% of its rye (Poland, Germany), 31% of its oats (Poland, Germany, Sweden, France), and 24% of its wheat (France, Germany, UK, Romania); Italy, Spain, and Greece produce more than 70% of the world’s olive oil
est) 498 million (excluding European Turkey and the former USSR); annual growth rate 0.3%, projected population of 512 million by the year 2000
language mostly Indo-European, with a few exceptions, including Finno-Ugrian (Finnish and Hungarian), Basque and Altaic (Turkish); apart from a fringe of Celtic, the NW is Germanic; Letto-Lithuanian languages separate the Germanic from the Slavonic tongues of E Europe; Romance languages spread E–W from Romania through Italy and France to Spain and Portugal
religion Christianity (Protestant, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox), Muslim (Turkey, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria), Judaism.
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Europa | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodmitologija

(E. auf dem Stier)Gestalt der griech. Mythologie, Tochter des Phönix und der Perimede, Geliebte des Zeus, der sie als verwandelter Stier nach Kreta entführt und mit ihr Minos, Radamanthys und Sarpedon zeugt. E. wurde in der Antike mit dem Stier auf pompejan. Wandgemälden, röm. Mosaiken, auf Reliefs, auf rotfigurigen Vasenbildern und auf Münzen dargestellt; in spätmittelalterlichen Illustrationen zu Ovids 'Metamorphosen', später ein beliebtes Motiv der ital. Malerei (Gemälde von Tizian, 1559, Boston; Deckenbild von Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, 1753, Würzburg, Residenz).

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