Epilepsie prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Epilepsie | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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»Fallsucht«, die durch Anfälle von Bewußtlosigkeit u. Krämpfen gekennzeichnete Krankheit. Mit Fortschreiten der Krankheit häufen sich die Anfälle u. können zur Schwächung des Geistes führen. Neben der erbl. E. kann es aufgrund von Verletzungen der Hirnrinde zu epilept. Anfällen kommen.
(griech.)Fallsucht, Krampfanfallsleiden, an dem 2-5 % der Bevölkerung erkranken. Die E. beruht auf einer plötzl. einsetzenden gesteigerten elektr. Aktivität im Gehirn, die den epilept. Anfall auslöst. Die E. ist auf versch. Ursachen zurückzuführen. Bei der meistens im Kindes- oder frühen Erwachsenenalter einsetzenden sog. genuinen E. besteht eine genet. Veranlagung. Die errworbene sog. symptomat. E. ist immer Symptom einer anderen Krankheit. Dazu zählen Gehirnblutungen oder -tumore, Enzephalitis, Hirnverletzungen, Entzug von Suchtmitteln u.a.

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ETYM Latin epilepsia, Greek, a seizure, the from Greek, to take besides, seize, attack; epi upon, besides + lambanein to take: cf. French épilepsie. Related to Catalepsy.
A disorder of the central nervous system characterized by loss of consciousness and convulsions.
Medical disorder characterized by a tendency to develop fits, which are convulsions or abnormal feelings caused by abnormal electrical discharges in the cerebral hemispheres of the brain. Epilepsy can be controlled with a number of anticonvulsant drugs.
The term epilepsy cover
s a range of conditions from mild “absences”, involving momentary loss of awareness, to major convulsions. In some cases the abnormal electrical activity is focal (confined to one area of the brain); in others it is generalized throughout the cerebral cortex. Fits are classified according to their clinical type. They include: the grand mal seizure with convulsions and loss of consciousness; the fleeting absence of petit mal, almost exclusively a disorder of childhood; Jacksonian seizures, originating in the motor cortex; and temporal-lobe fits, which may be associated with visual hallucinations and bizarre disturbances of the sense of smell.
Epilepsy affects 1–3% of the world's population. It may arise spontaneously or may be a consequence of brain surgery, organic brain disease, head injury, metabolic disease, alcoholism or withdrawal from some drugs. Almost a third of patients have a family history of the condition.
Most epileptics have infrequent fits that have little impact on their daily lives. Epilepsy does not imply that the sufferer has any impairment of intellect, behavior, or personality.
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