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Umfassendes Nachschlagewerk, das den Gesamtbestand des Wissens seiner Zeit in sachl. oder alphabet. Anordnung darstellt. – In der Aufklärungszeit entstanden die frz. »Encyclopédie« (1751–72) von D. Diderot u. J. d'Alembert u. die engl. Encyclopaedia Britannica (von William Smellie 1768–71 bearbeitet). Ihnen zur Seite stehen in Dtld. das Zedlersche Lexikon (1732–54) u. das unvollendete Werk von J. S. Ersch u. J. G. Gruber: »Allg. E. der Wiss. u. Künste«, von dem 1818–89 167 Bände erschienen. Das moderne Konversationslexikon gewann durch F. A. Brockhaus seine klass. Form (seit 1808), die durch Neuauflagen, wie durch das Bemühen anderer, jüngerer Werke (Meyer seit 1840, Herder seit 1854, Bertelsmann seit 1953) ständig verbessert u. zeitnah erhalten wurde.

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Alternate (chiefly British) spelling for encyclopedia.



ETYM New Lat., from Greek, instruction in the circle of arts and sciences, from enkyclos + paideia instruction: cf. French encyclopédie. Related to Cyclopedia, and Encyclical.
Or encyclopedia; Work of reference covering either all fields of knowledge or one specific subject. Although most encyclopedias are alphabetical, with cross-references, some are organized thematically with indexes, to keep related subjects together.
The earliest extant encyclopedia is the Historia Naturalis/Natural History AD 23–79 of Pliny the Elder. The first alphabetical encyclopedia in English was the Lexicon Technicum/Technical Lexicon 1704, c
ompiled by John Harris. In 1728 Ephraim Chambers published his Cyclopedia, which coordinated scattered articles by a system of cross-references and was translated into French 1743–45. This translation formed the basis of the Encyclopédie edited by Diderot and d’Alembert, published 1751–72. By this time the system of engaging a body of expert compilers and editors was established, and in 1768–71 the Encyclopedia Britannica first appeared. The first encylopedia to be published on CD-ROM was the Academic American Encyclopedia 1985.
Other major encyclopedias include the Chinese encyclopedia printed 1726, the German Conversations-Lexikon/Conversation Lexicon of Brockhaus, and the French Grand Dictionnaire Universel du XIXčme Sičcle/Great Universal Dictionary of the 19th Century of Pierre Larousse 1866–76.
American encyclopedias include the Encyclopedia Americana and Collier’s Encyclopedia, both prepared with attention to cultural and stylistic interpretations appropriate to the US.(Alternate spelling: encyclopaedia).
A reference work (often in several volumes) containing articles on various topics (often in alphabetical order) dealing with the entire range of human knowledge or with some particular specialty; SYN. cyclopedia, encyclopaedia.
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