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The act of debasing or the state of being debased.



ETYM Cf. French dépréciation.
1. A decrease in price or value over time.
2. Decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use; SYN. wear
and tear.
In economics, the decline of a currency's value in relation to other currencies. Depreciation also describes the fall in value of an asset (such as factory machinery) resulting from age, wear and tear, or other circumstances. It is an important factor in assessing company profits and tax liabilities.
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1. An official lowering of a nation's currency; a decrease in the value of a country's currency relative to that of foreign countries.
2. The reduction of something value.
In economics, the lowering of the official value of a currency against other currencies, so that exports become cheaper and imports more expensive. Used when a country is badly in deficit in its balance of trade, it res
ults in the goods the country produces being cheaper abroad, so that the economy is stimulated by increased foreign demand.
The increased cost of imported food, raw materials, and manufactured goods as a consequence of devaluation may, however, stimulate an acceleration in inflation, especially when commodities are rising in price because of increased world demand. Revaluation is the opposite process.
Devaluation of important currencies upsets the balance of the world’s money markets and encourages speculation. Significant devaluations include that of the German mark in the 1920s and Britain’s devaluation of sterling in the 1960s. To promote greater stability, many countries have allowed the value of their currencies to “float”, that is, to fluctuate in value (see exchange rate).
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