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ETYM French inspiration, Latin inspiratio. Related to Inspire.
Spiritual influence that allows a person to think, speak, or act in a way that transcends ordinary human abilities. It can refer to a wide variety of religious experiences, including the presence of a “spiritus” or breath responsible for the inspiration.
Religious scripture
s are often believed to be inspired, although this may be understood in a variety of ways. Muslims believe that the Koran was directly revealed, word for word, by God through the prophethood of Mohammed. Christians disagree about the inspiration of the Bible: some believe it is the directly inspired word of God, whereas others give more importance to the human abilities of the writers, while still stressing God's influence on them.
1. A sudden intuition as part of solving a problem.
2. A product of one's creative thinking and work; SYN. brainchild.
3. Arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity.
4. Arousing to a particular emotion or action; SYN. stirring.
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aspiration · brainchild · breathing in · divine guidance · inhalation · stirring + prikaži više



ETYM Latin intuitus, p. p. of intueri to look on; in- in, on + tueri: cf. French intuition. Related to Tuition.
1. An impression that something might be the case; SYN. hunch, suspicion.
2. Instincti
ve knowing (without the use of rational processes).
Rapid, unconscious thought process. In philosophy, intuition is that knowledge of a concept which does not derive directly from the senses. Thus, we may be said to have an intuitive idea of God, beauty, or justice. The concept of intuition is similar to Bertrand Russell's theory of knowledge by acquaintance. In both cases, it is contrasted with empirical knowledge.
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hunch · suspicion

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
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