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muški rodgramatika

(Druckwesen) Vervielfältigung einer Text- oder Bildvorlage mit Hilfe von Druckformen.
Formelzeichen p, in der Physik der Quotient aus einer Fläche und de
r auf diese wirkenden Kraft. Der D. wird in Pascal angegeben; 1 Pa ist gleich dem D., den eine Kraft von 1 N (Newton) auf die Fläche von 1 m² ausübt. Weitere D.einheiten sind Bar, Millibar (mbar), Torr, Millimeter Quecksilbersäule (mmHg), Meter Wassersäule (mWS), physikal. Atmosphäre (atm) und techn. Atmosphäre (at).

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ETYM Latin compressio: cf. French compression.
1. Applying pressure; SYN. compressing.
2. Encoding information while reducing the bandwidth or bits required.
3. The process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together; SYN. condensation, contraction.

compaction · compressing · concretion · condensation · contraction · densification + prikaži više



Suppression; tyranny, despotism; dictatorship; distressfulness, burdensomeness, onerousness, weightiness





ETYM Old Fren., from Latin pressura, from premere. Related to Press.
In physics, the force acting normally (at right angles) to a body per unit surface area. The si unit of pressure is the pascal (newton per square meter), equal to 0.01 millibars. In a fluid (liquid or gas), pressure increases with depth
. At the edge of Earth's atmosphere, pressure is zero, whereas at sea level atmospheric pressure due to the weight of the air above is about 100 kilopascals (1,013 millibars or 1 atmosphere). Pressure is commonly measured by means of a barometer, manometer, or Bourdon gauge.
Pressure at a depth h in a fluid of density d is equal to hdg, where g is the acceleration due to gravity.
1. A force that compels.
2. The force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (si unit) or in dynes (cgs unit); SYN. force per unit area.
3. The somatic sensation of pressure; SYN. pressure sensation.
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1. A picture or design printed from an engraving; SYN. print making.
2. A fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers).



1. Reproduction by applying ink to paper as for publication; SYN. printing process.
2. Text written in the style of printed matter.
3. The business of printing.
Reproduction of text or illustrative material on paper, as in books or newspapers, or on an increasing variety of materials; for example, on plastic containers. The first printing used woodblocks, followed by carved wood type or molded metal type and hand-operated presses. Modern printing is effected by electronically controlled machinery. Current printing processes include electronic phototypesetting with offset printing, and gravure print.
In China the art of printing from a single wooden block was known by the 6th century AD, and movable type was being used by the 11th century. In Europe printing was unknown for another three centuries, and it was only in the 15th century that movable type was reinvented, traditionally by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany. From there printing spread to Italy,
France, and England, where it was introduced by William Caxton.
steam power, linotype, and monotype
There was no further substantial advance until, in the 19th century, steam power replaced hand-operation of printing presses, making possible long “runs”; hand-composition of type (each tiny metal letter was taken from the case and placed individually in the narrow stick that carried one line of text) was replaced by machines operated by a keyboard. Linotype, a hot-metal process (it produced a line of type in a solid slug) used in newspapers, magazines, and books, was invented by Ottmar Mergenthaler 1886 and commonly used until the 1980s. The Monotype, used in bookwork (it produced a series of individual characters, which could be hand-corrected), was invented by Tolbert Lanston (1844–1913) in the US 1889.
Important as these developments were, they represented no fundamental change but simply a faster method of carrying out the same basic typesetting operations. The actual printing process still involved pressing the inked type on to paper, by letterpress.
20th-century developments
In the 1960s, letterpress began to face increasing competition from offset printing, a method that prints from an inked flat surface, and from the gravure method (used for high-circulation magazines), which uses recessed plates. The introduction of electronic phototypesetting machines, also in the 1960s, allowed the entire process of setting and correction to be done in the same way that a typist operates, thus eliminating the hot-metal composing room (with its hazardous fumes, lead scraps, and noise) and leaving only the making of plates and the running of the presses to be done traditionally.
By the 1970s some final steps were taken to plateless printing, using various processes, such as a computer-controlled laser beam, or continuous jets of ink acoustically broken up into tiny equal-sized drops, which are electrostatically charged under computer control.
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Verbal criticism

drive · driving force · jab · jabbing · knife thrust · poke · poking · push · stab · thrustin + prikaži više
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ETYM Old Eng. lode load, way; properly the same word as lode, but confused with lade, load, v. Related to Lade, Lead, Lode.
(Homonym: load).
1. Something to be borne or conveyed; SYN. loading, burden.
2. A quantity that can be processed or transported at one ti
me; SYN. loading.
3. The power output of a generator or power plant.
4. A device to which electrical power is delivered.
5. (Informal) An amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate.
In earth sciences, material transported by a river. It includes material carried on and in the water (suspended load) and material bounced or rolled along the river bed (bedload). A river's load is greatest during a flood, when its discharge is at its highest.
The term “load” can also refer to material transported by a glacier or by the sea.
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burden · cargo · consignment · encumbrance · freight · incumbrance · lading · loading · lode · onus · payload · shipment · warhead + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren., from Latin pressura, from premere. Related to Press.
In physics, the force acting normally (at right angles) to a body per unit surface area. The si unit of pressure is the pascal (newton per square meter), equal to 0.01 millibars. In a fluid (liquid or gas), pressure increases with depth
. At the edge of Earth's atmosphere, pressure is zero, whereas at sea level atmospheric pressure due to the weight of the air above is about 100 kilopascals (1,013 millibars or 1 atmosphere). Pressure is commonly measured by means of a barometer, manometer, or Bourdon gauge.
Pressure at a depth h in a fluid of density d is equal to hdg, where g is the acceleration due to gravity.
1. A force that compels.
2. The force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (si unit) or in dynes (cgs unit); SYN. force per unit area.
3. The somatic sensation of pressure; SYN. pressure sensation.
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force per unit area · imperativeness · insistence · insistency · pres · press · pressing · pressure level · pressure sensation + prikaži više



In psychology, any event or situation that makes heightened demands on a person's mental or emotional resources. Stress can be caused by overwork, anxiety about exams, money, or job security, unemployment, bereavement, poor relationships, marriage breakdown, sexual difficulties, poor living or working conditions, and constant exposure to loud noise.
Many changes that are apparently “for the better”, such as being promoted at work, going to a new school, moving to a new house, and getting married, are also a source of stress. Stress can cause, or aggravate, physical illnesses, among them psoriasis, eczema, asthma, stomach and mouth ulcers. Apart from removing the source of stress, acquiring some control over it and learning to relax when possible are the best treatments.
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accent · emphasis · focus · strain · tenseness · tension + prikaži više
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muški rodfizika

Einheit des D. ist (seit 1978) das Pascal (Pa). Der D. bei Flüssigkeiten u. Gasen wird in Bar (bar) gemessen; 1 bar = 105 Pa. Der hydrostat. D. ist der allseitig in einer Flüssigkeit herrschende D. Er nimmt mit der Tiefe zu, z.B. bei Wasser um rd. 1 bar je 10 m. – Osmot. D. Osmose. – Ältere Einheiten sind Atmosphäre u. Millimeter-Quecksilbersäule (Torr).

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