lode značenje | engleski leksikon

lode značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / loʊd /

Množina: lodes


ETYM AS. lâd way, journey, from lîthan to go. Related to Lead to guide, and cf. Load a burden.
(Homonym: lode)
A deposit of valuable ore occurring within definite boundaries separating it from surrounding rocks; SYN. load.
Vein of ore. Geological deposit rich in certain minerals, generally consisting of a large vein or set of veins containing ore minerals. A system of veins that can be mined directly forms a lode, for example the mother lode of the California gold rush.
Lodes form because hot hydrothermal liquids and gases from magmas penetrate surrounding rocks, especially when these are limestones; on cooling, veins of ores formed from the magma then extend from the igneous mass into the local rock.

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Reč dana 07.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, mineral
imenica, geografija
muški rod, životinja