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de Gaulle

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Charles de, Lille 22.11.1890, +Colombey-les-deux-Églises 9.11.1970, frz. Gen. und Politiker; konservativ-kath. Erziehung (Vater Geschichtslehrer), 1912 Absolvent der Kriegsschule von Saint-Cyr, Leutnant im 33. Inf.regiment unter Pétain, 1916 bei Douaumont als Hauptmann verwundet in Gefangenschaft, 1919/20 auf poln. Seite Militärberater in poln.-russ. Krieg, 1922/1924 Generalstabsausbildung, anschließend Posten in Mainz, Paris und bei der Levantearmee, zwischenzeitl. 1926/1928 Kommandeur eines Jägerbataillons in Trier. Während seiner Dienstzeit als Gen.sekretär des Obersten Nat. Verteidigungsrats in Paris 1932/1937 tat sich de G. als Militärtheoretiker hervor: 1932 erschien 'Le fil de l'épée' (Spitze des Schwertes), eine Sammlung von Essays zur Kriegskunst. Mit dem Buch 'Vers l'armée de métier' (dt. 1935 'Frkr.s Stoßarmee - Das Berufsheer, die Lösung von morgen') wandte er sich 1934 gegen das starre 'Maginot-Denken' führender Militärs und plädierte für die Aufstellung von 2-3 mot. und gepanzerten AK a

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de Gaulle

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André Joseph Marie (1890-1970) French general and first president of the Fifth Republic 1958–69. He organized the Free French troops fighting the Nazis 1940–44, was head of the provisional French government 1944–46, and leader of his own Gaullist party. In 1958 the national assembly asked him to form a government during France's economic recovery and to solve the crisis in Algeria. He became president at the end of 1958, having changed the constitution to provide for a presidential system, and served until 1969.
Born in Lille, he graduated from Saint-Cyr 1911 and was severely wounded and captured by the Germans 1916. In June 1940 he refused to accept the new
prime minister Pétain’s truce with the Germans and 18 June made his historic broadcast calling on the French to continue the war against Germany. He based himself in England as leader of the Free French troops fighting the Germans 1940–44. In 1944 he entered Paris in triumph and was briefly head of the provisional government before resigning over the new constitution of the Fourth Republic 1946. In 1947 he founded the Rassemblement du Peuple Français, a nonparty constitutional reform movement, then withdrew from politics 1953. When national bankruptcy and civil war in Algeria loomed 1958, de Gaulle was called to form a government. As prime minister he promulgated a constitution subordinating the legislature to the presidency and took office as president Dec 1958. Economic recovery followed, as well as Algerian independence after a bloody war. A nationalist, he opposed “Anglo-Saxon” influence in Europe.
Reelected president 1965, he violently quelled student demonstrations May 1968 when they were joined by workers. The Gaullist party, reorganized as Union des Democrats pour la Cinquičme République, won an overwhelming majority in the elections of the same year. In 1969 he resigned after the defeat of the government in a referendum on constitutional reform. He retired to the village of Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises in NE France.
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