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ženski rodgramatikabotanika

Bei Samenpflanzen (daneben auch bei Bärlapp- und Schachtelhalmgewächsen) der Sproß aus mehreren Blattreihen, der für die Fortpflanzung zuständig ist. Die Blütenhülle verschließt die eigentl. B. und lockt Bestäuber (meist Insekten) an. Im Innern der B. befinden sich die Fruchtblätter, die die Samenanlagen tragen und die weibl. Geschlechtsorgane bilden. Sie formen in ihrem unteren Teil den Fruchtknoten. Der wiederum umschließt die Samenanlage und trägt im oberen Teil den Griffel mit einer klebrigen Narbe. Darauf wird der Pollenstaub aufgefangen. Um den Fruchtknoten stehen die Staubblätter mit den Pollensäcken, die die männl. Geschlechtsorgane bilden.

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ETYM Old Eng. blosme, blostme, AS. blôsma, blôstma, blossom; akin to Dutch bloesem, Latin fios, and Eng. flower; from the root of Eng. blow to blossom. Related to Blow to blossom, and cf. Bloom a blossom.
1. The flower of a plant, or the essential organs of reproduction, with their appendages.
2. A blooming period or stage of development; something lovely that gives rich promise.
3. The color of a horse that has white hairs intermixed with sorrel and bay hairs.
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State or time of flowering.

anthesis · blossoming · efflorescenc · flowering · inflorescence



ETYM Old Eng. flour, Old Fren. flour, flur, flor, French fleur, from Latin flos, floris. Related to Blossom, Effloresce, Floret, Florid, Florin, Flour, Flourish.
(Homonym: flour).
1. A plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms.
2. Reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts; SYN. bloom, blossom.
3. The period of greatest prosperity or productivity; SYN. prime, peak, heyday, bloom, blossom, efflorescence, flush.
The reproductive unit of an angiosperm or flowering plant, typically consisting of four whorls of modified leaves: sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels. These are borne on a central axis or receptacle. The many variations in size, color, number, and arrangement of parts are closely related
to the method of pollination. Flowers adapted for wind pollination typically have reduced or absent petals and sepals and long, feathery stigmas that hang outside the flower to trap airborne pollen. In contrast, the petals of insect-pollinated flowers are usually conspicuous and brightly colored.
The sepals and petals form the calyx and corolla respectively and together comprise the perianth with the function of protecting the reproductive organs and attracting pollinators.
The stamens lie within the corolla, each having a slender stalk, or filament, bearing the pollen-containing anther at the top. Collectively they are known as the androecium (male organs). The inner whorl of the flower comprises the carpels, each usually consisting of an ovary in which are borne the ovules, and a stigma borne at the top of a slender stalk, or style. Collectively the carpels are known as the gynoecium (female organs).
In size, flowers range from the tiny blooms of duckweeds scarcely visible to the naked eye to the gigantic flowers of the Malaysian Rafflesia, which can reach over 1 m/3 ft across. Flowers may either be borne singly or grouped together in inflorescences. The stalk of the whole inflorescence is termed a peduncle, and the stalk of an individual flower is termed a pedicel. A flower is termed hermaphrodite when it contains both male and female reproductive organs. When male and female organs are carried in separate flowers, they are termed monoecious; when male and female flowers are on separate plants, the term dioecious is used.
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ženski rodsleng, dijalekt

(Umgangssprache) Gefälsche Banknote.

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counterfeit bank note




1. One that is ineffectual; also; failure
2. Misfit
3. A bomb or missile that fails to explode

bomb · flop · misfire · turkey · washout

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