Bestrahlung prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Bestrahlung | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Die Anwendung von natürl. oder künstl. erzeugten Strahlungen sämtl. Wellenbereiche zu Heilzwecken oder zur Diagnostik.
1. In der Medizin Strahlentherapie.
2. In der Lebensmitteltechnik Behandlung von Lebensmitteln mit ionisierenden Strahlen; dient der Keimhemmung, Insektenbekämpfung, Haltbarmachung.

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ETYM Cf. French irradiation.
Subjecting anything to radiation, including cancer tumors. See also food irradiation.
In optics, the term refers to the apparent enlargement of a bright
ly lit object when seen against a dark background.
1. Act of irradiating, or state of being irradiated.
2. Illumination; irradiance; brilliancy.
3. Figurative: Mental light or illumination.
4. The apparent enlargement of a bright object seen upon a dark ground, due to the fact that the portions of the retina around the image are stimulated by the intense light.
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Reč dana 07.10.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, hemija
imenica, geografija
muški rod, telekomunikacije