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1. Yield to another's wish or opinion
2. Take on duties or office
3. To agree or express agreement
4. To be compatible or in accordance with; SYN. adhere, comply.

acquiesce · assent · bow · defer · enter · give in · submit + prikaži više



1. To achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose.
2. To be agreeable or suitable.
3. To be in accord; be in agreemen
t; SYN. concur.
4. To consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something:.
5. To show grammatical agreement.
6. Show grammatical agreement
7. Go together
8. Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics
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accord · check · concord · concur · consort · correspond · fit · fit in · gibe · harmonise · harmonize · hold · jibe · match · tall + prikaži više



1. To give one's support or approval to;
2. Said of documents or checks: to sign in order to complete or to render valid.
3. To write on the back of; especially; to sign one's name as payee on the back of (a check) in order to obtain the cash or
credit represented on the face; to inscribe (one's signature) on a check, bill, or note; to inscribe (as an official document) with a title or memorandum; to make over to another (the value represented in a check, bill, or note) by inscribing one's name on the document; to acknowledge receipt of (a sum specified) by one's signature on a document
4. To approve openly ; especially; to express support or approval of publicly and definitely; to recommend (as a product or service) usually for financial compensation
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back · certify · indorse · plump for · plunk for · second · support + prikaži više

Reč dana 12.09.2024.

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