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1. Aroused to action.
2. Brought to a state of great tension; SYN. wound up.
3. Feeling great sexual desire; SYN. horny, randy, ruttish, turned on.
4. Of persons; excessively affected by emotion; SYN. emotional, excited.

ablaze · aflame · agitated · awakened · emotional · excited · horny · passionate · randy · ruttish · sexy · steamy · stimulated · stirred · stirred up · tense · turned on · worked up · wound up + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. briht, AS. beorht, briht; akin to OS. berht, Old High Germ. beraht, Icel. bjartr, Goth. baírhts.
1. Abounding with sunlight; SYN. shining, shiny, sunshiny, sunny.
2. Emitting or reflecting light readily or in large a
3. Made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow; SYN. burnished, lustrous, shining, shiny.
4. Clear and sharp and ringing; SYN. brilliant.
5. Characterized by quickness and ease in learning; SYN. smart.
6. Full or promise; SYN. promising.
7. Having lots of light either natural or artificial.
8. Having striking color; SYN. brilliant, vivid.
9. Characterized by happiness or gladness.
10. Splendid.
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agleam · aglitter · aglow · ardent · auspicious · beadlike · beady · beaming · beamy · blazing · blinding · bright as a new penny · brilliant · burnished · buttonlike · buttony · clear · colorful · colourful · coruscant · dazzling · effulgent · flashing · fulgent · fulgid · glaring · glary · gleaming · glimmering · glimmery · glinting · glistening · glistering · glittering · glittery · glorious · glossy · happy · intelligent · iridescent · lambent · light · lucent · luminous · lurid · lustrous · nacreous · nitid · noctilucent · opalescent · opaline · pearlescent · polished · promising · radiant · refulgent · reverberant · ringing · scintillant · scintillating · self-luminous · sheeny · shimmery · shining · shiny · silver · silvern · silvery · smart · sparkly · sunny · sunshiny · twinkling · undimmed · vivid + prikaži više



ETYM An abbrev. of acute.
Obviously contrived to charm; SYN. precious.

artful · attractive · cunning · precious

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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