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ETYM Old Fren. armaire, armarie, French armoire, from Latin armarium place for keeping arms; but confused with French armoiries. Related to Armorial, Ambry.
(Alternate spelling: armoury).
1. A collection of resources; SYN. armoury, inventory.
2. A place where arms are manufactured; SYN. armoury, arsenal.
3. Heraldry.

armoury · arsenal · inventory



ETYM Old Eng. hord, AS. hord; akin to OS. hord, German hort, Icel. hodd, Goth. huzd; prob. from the root of Eng. hide to conceal, and of Latin custos guard, Eng. custody. Related to Hide to conceal.
A secret store of valuables or money; SYN. cache, stash.
Valuables or prized possessions that have been deliberately buried, often in times of conflict or war, and never reclaimed. Coins, objects in precious metals, and scrap metal are the most common objects found in hoards. In July 1991 the largest hoard found in Britain was discovered, consisting of 7,000 15th-century coins; it was declared treasure trove.
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cache · stash



ETYM Latin inventarium: cf. Late Lat. inventorium, French inventaire, Old Fren. also inventoire. Related to Invent.
1. Making of an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand; SYN. inventorying, stocktaking.
2. A detailed list of all the items in stock; SYN. stock list.



A collection of works that an artist or company can perform.
List of plays, pieces, etc., which company or person can perform; range or store of techniques, skills, capabilities, etc.




ETYM as. stocc a stock, trunk, stick; akin to Dutch stok, German stock, Old High Germ. stoc, Icel. stokkr, Swed. stock, Dan. stok, and as. stycce a piece; cf. Skr. tuj to urge, thrust. Related to Stokker, Stucco, and Tuck a rapier.
1. The merchandise that a shop has on hand; SYN. inventory.
2. The
capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to partial ownership.
3. The handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun; SYN. gunstock.
4. The reputation and popularity a person has.
5. Wood used in the construction of something.
6. The handle end of some implements or tools.
7. A plant or stem onto which a graft is made; especially a plant grown specifically to provide the root part of grafted plants.
8. Persistent thickened stem of a herbaceous perennial plant; SYN. caudex.
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ETYM Old Eng. stor, stoor, Old Fren. estor, provisions, supplies, from estorer to store. Related to Store.
Or shop; A building or part of a building used for the retail sale of goods. Roman stoae were market stalls enclosed by an arcaded walkway; stores changed little from ancient times until the latter part of the 19th century, when concentration of population and greater availability of manufactured goods gave rise to the department store, in effect a number of small specialty shops unde
r one roof, and to the chain store and the supermarket.
With the spread of chain stores to several cities, all having the same ownership, the relationship between retailers and manufacturers changed. Direct links with factories bypassed middlemen (wholesalers) and lowered costs, in some cases forcing small independent stores to focus on narrow specialties not otherwise available. In the 1970s in the US, to coincide with the population shift out of urban centers, enclosed shopping malls of up to 250 specialty stores, anchored by at least one large department store, were constructed in many suburban areas. These “controlled shopping environments” have music, free parking, movie theaters, restaurants, and, in some instances, even child-care facilities. The idea has been adopted in the UK and elsewhere, although resistance is rising from those who wish to preserve the viability of downtown (urban center) areas.
A supply of something available for future use; SYN. stock, fund.
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computer memory · computer storage · depot · entrepot · fund · memory · memory boar · shop · stock · storage · storehouse + prikaži više



1. An amount of something available for use.
2. Offering goods and services for sale.

provision · supplying

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