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muški rodgramatika

Rechtseinrichtung fast aller Rechtsgebiete, durch die Rechte u. Pflichten der V.spartner (V.sparteien) rechtsverbindlich festgelegt werden. Der V.sabschluß ergibt sich in der Regel schon durch die Abgabe übereinstimmender Willenserklärungen der V.spartner (Konsensual-V.) in Form der Annahme eines V.sangebots (Offerte), z. T. (z. B. beim Darlehns- oder Pfand-V.) nur bei gleichzeitiger Übergabe von Gegenständen (Real-V.).
durch Angebot und Annahme zustande kommende übereinstimmende (meist schriftl.) Willenserklärung zweier oder mehrerer Parteien zur Herbeiführung eines Rechtserfolgs. Grundsätzl. wird V.freiheit bei der Fassung des Inhalts eines V. gewährleistet, doch ziehen gesetzl. Bestimmungen und die guten Sitten der Ausgestaltung Grenzen.

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ETYM Cf. French agrément.
1. Compatibility of observations; SYN. correspondence.
2. Harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters; SYN. accord.
3. The determination o
f grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations; SYN. concord.
4. The statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises; SYN. understanding.
5. The thing arranged or agreed to; SYN. arrangement.
6. The verbal act of agreeing.
In grammar, the selection of an inflectional form of a word so that the parts of a sentence agree in number, case, and gender.
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ETYM Latin contractus, from contrahere: cf. French contrat, formerly also contract.
1. A variety of bridge in which the bidder receives
points toward game only for the number of tricks he bid; SYN. contract bridge.
2. A binding agreement between two or more persons especially one enforceable by law.
3. (Bridge) The highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must make.
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Any standard that is used more or less universally in a given situation. Many conventions are applied to microcomputers. In programming, for example, a language such as C relies on formally accepted symbols and abbreviations that must be used in programs. Less formally, programmers usually adopt the convention of indenting subordinate instructions in a routine so that the structure of the program is more easily visualized. National and international committees often discuss and arbitrate conventions for programming languages, data structures, communication standards, and device characteristics. See also CCITT, ISO, NTSC, standard (definition 1). + prikaži više

convening · conventionalism · conventionality · formula · normal · pattern · rule + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. endenture, Old Fren. endenture, Late Lat. indentura a deed in duplicate, with indented edges. Related to the Note below. Related to Indent.
1. A contract binding one party into the service of another for a specified term.
2. Formal agreement between the issuer of bonds and the bondholders as to terms of the debt.
Written agreement, originally torn or cut into two parts along a jagged line.
In law, a deed between two or more people. Historically, an indenture was a contract between a master and apprentice. The term derives from the practice of writing the agreement twice on paper or parchment and then cutting it with a jagged edge so that both pieces fit together, proving the authenticity of each half.
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indent · indentation · indention



ETYM Latin pactum, from paciscere to make a bargain or contract, from pacere to settle, or agree upon; cf. pangere to fasten, Skr. pâca bond, and Eng. fang: cf. French pacie. Related to Peace, Fadge.
An agreement, usually private in nature, entered into by two or more persons; a promise; a compact; a covenant.

accord · treaty



ETYM Old Eng. tretee, French traité, Late Lat. tractatus; cf. Latin tractatus a handling, treatment, consultation, tractate. Related to Treat, Tractate.
A written agreement between two states or sovereigns;
SYN. pact, accord.
Written agreement between two or more states. Treaties take effect either immediately on signature or, more often, on ratification. Ratification involves a further exchange of documents and usually takes place after the internal governments have approved the terms of the treaty. Treaties are binding in international law, the rules being laid down in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969.
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accord · pact

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