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ETYM Old Fren. brace, brasse, the two arms, embrace, fathom, French brasse fathom, from Latin bracchia the arms (stretched out), pl. of bracchium arm.
1. A structural member used to stiffen a framework; SYN. bracing.
2. A
support that steadies or strengthens something else.
3. An appliance that corrects dental irregularities; SYN. braces.
4. Either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose textual material.
5. Rope on a square-rigged ship that is used to swing a yard about and secure it.
6. The stock of a tool used for turning a drilling bit; SYN. bitstock.
7. Straps that hold trousers up (usually used in the plural); SYN. suspender, gallus.
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bitstock · braces · bracing · couple · couplet · distich · dua · duet · duo · dyad · gallus · orthodontic braces · pair · span · suspender · twain · twosome · yoke + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. butrasse, boterace, from French bouter to push; cf. Old Fren. bouteret (nom. sing. and acc. pl. bouterez) buttress. Related to Butt an end, and cf. Butteris.
/> (Irregular plural: buttresses).
Usually or stone or brick; supports the wall of a building; SYN. buttressing.
In brickwork or masonry, a reinforcement built against a wall to give it strength. A flying buttress is an arc transmitting the force of the wall to be supported to an outer buttress, a feature common in Gothic architecture.
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ETYM Latin columna, from columen, culmen, from cellere (used only in comp.), akin to Eng. excel, and prob. to holm. See Holm, Colonel.
1. A tall, cylindrical upright structure, used in architecture; SYN. pillar.
2. Anything tall and thin approximating the shape of a column or tower; SY
N. tower, pillar.
3. A vertical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (as a monument or a column of air); SYN. pillar.
4. A linear array of numbers one above another.
5. A vertical glass tube used in column chromatography; a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands; SYN. chromatography column.
6. An article giving opinions or perspectives; SYN. editorial, newspaper column.
7. A line of (usually military) units following one after another.
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chromatography column · editorial · newspaper column · pillar · tower



1. A block of absorbent material saturated with ink; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp; SYN. inkpad, inking pad, stamp pad.
2. A number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge; SYN. pad of paper, tablet.
3. A usually thin flat mass of padding.
4. The foot or fleshy cushion-like underside of the toes of an animal.
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diggings · digs · domiciliation · inking pad · inkpad · launch area · launch pad · launching pad · launchpad · lodgings · pad of paper · stamp pad · tablet + prikaži više



ETYM Akin to lg., Dutch, and Dan. prop stopple, stopper, cork, Swed. propp, German pfropf. Related to Prop.
1. A support placed beneath or against something to keep it from shaking or falling.
2. Property.
3. Something used in creating or enhancing a desired effect.
4. Propeller.



(Homonym: wrest).
1. A state of inaction.
2. A support on which things can be put.
3. Euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb); SYN. eternal rest, sleep, eternal sleep, quietus.

balance · ease · eternal rest · eternal sleep · quietus · relaxation · relief · remainder · repose · residual · residue · residuu · respite · rest period · sleep + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren. estanson, estançon, French étançon, from Old Fren. estance a stay, a prop, from Latin stans, stantis, standing, p. pr. of stare to stand. Related to Stand, Stanza.
Any vertical pole or rod used as a support.
Upright beam, bar or support.
Upright support or post.



ETYM Old Eng. stilte; akin to Dan. stylte, Swed. stylta, lg. and Dutch stelt, Old High Germ. stelza, German stelze, and perh. to Eng. stout.
1. Long-legged three-to
ed black-and-white wading bird of inland ponds and marshes or brackish lagoons; SYN. stiltbird, longlegs, stilt plover, Himantopus stilt.
2. Long-legged three-toed wading bird of brackish marshes of Australia; SYN. Australian stilt.
3. One of two stout poles with foot rests in the middle; used for walking high above the ground.
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Australian stilt · Himantopus stil · long-legs · longlegs · pile · piling · spile · stilt plover · stiltbird + prikaži više



ETYM French.
1. The act of bearing the weight of or strengthening; SYN. supporting.
2. Something that holds up or provides a foundation.
3. Something providing immaterial support or assistance to a person or cause or interest.
4. Any device that bears the weight of an
other thing.
5. Aiding the cause or policy or interests of.
6. Financial resources provided to make some project possible; SYN. financial support, funding, backing, financial backing.
7. The activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities.
8. The financial means whereby one lives; SYN. keep, livelihood, living, bread and butter, sustenance.
9. A military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission; SYN. reinforcement, reenforcement.
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accompaniment · backing · backup · bread and butter · documentation · financial backing · financial support · funding · keep · livelihood · living · musical accompaniment · reenforcement · reinforcement · supporting · sustenanc + prikaži više



One who supports; one who provides food and necessities; one who upholds

maintainer · upholder
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