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Abriegelung · Absperrung · Barriere · Blockade · Verbarrikadierung · Startverbot + prikaži više
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ETYM Old Eng. barrere, barere, French barričre, from barre bar. Related to Bar.
1. A structure or object that impedes free movement.
2. Any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective; SYN. roadblock.
3. Anything serving to maintain separation by obstructing vision or access.




1. A momentary loss of consciousness.
2. Darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft); SYN. brownout, dimout; black-out

amnesia · brownout · dimout · memory loss



ETYM Cf. Italian bloccata. Related to Block.
1. A war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy; SYN. encirclement.
2. Prevents access or progress.
Cutting-off of a place by hostile forces by land, sea, or air so as to prevent any movement to or fro, in order to compel a surrender without atta
ck or to achieve some other political aim (for example, the Berlin blockade 1948).
During World War I Germany attempted to blockade Britain with intensive submarine warfare, and Britain attempted to blockade Germany. In 1990 a blockade by United Nations member countries was agreed in an attempt to force Iraq to withdraw from the invaded territory of Kuwait, but was superseded by open war.
No nation has the right to declare a blockade unless it has the power to enforce it, according to international law. The Declaration of London 1909 laid down that a blockade must not be extended beyond the coasts and ports belonging to or occupied by an enemy.
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A device (as a catch, dog, or spring-operated ball) for positioning and holding one mechanical part in relation to another in a manner such that the device can be released by force applied to one of the parts.

click · dog · pawl



ETYM Cf. French élimination.
1. The act of removing or getting rid of something; SYN. riddance.
2. The act of removing an unknown mathematical quantity by c
ombining equations.
3. The bodily process of discharging waste matter; SYN. evacuation, excretion, excreting, voiding.
4. Analysis of a problem into alternative possibilities followed by the systematic elimination of unacceptable alternatives; SYN. reasoning by elimination.
5. The murder of a competitor; SYN. liquidation.
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evacuation · excreting · excretion · liquidation · reasoning by elimination · riddance · voiding + prikaži više



(Homonym: gait).
1. A circuit with several inputs but only one output that can be activated by particular combinations of inputs.
2. A door-like movable barrier in a fence or wall.
3. Total admission receipts at a sports event.

logic gate



ETYM Old Eng. lacche, from lacchen to seize, As. laeccan.
(Irregular plural: latches).
1. A fastening for a door or gate: a bar that can be lowered or slid into a groove.
2. A spring-loaded doorlock that can only be opened from the outside with a key.



(Homonym: loch).
1. A fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed.
2. A device incorporated into the ignition switch to prevent the use of a vehicle by persons who do not have the key; SYN. ignition lock.
3. A mechanism that detonates the charge of a gun.
4. A strand or cluster of hair; SYN. curl, ringlet, whorl.
5. Any wrestling hold in which some part of the opponent's body is twisted or pressured.
6. Section of canal that can be clo
sed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it; SYN. lock chamber.
Construction installed in waterways to allow boats or ships to travel from one level to another. The earliest form, the flash lock, was first seen in the East in 1st-century-AD China and in the West in 11th-century Holland. By this method barriers temporarily dammed a river and when removed allowed the flash flood to propel the waiting boat through any obstacle. This was followed in 12th-century China and 14th-century Holland by the pound lock. In this system the lock has gates at each end. Boats enter through one gate when the levels are the same both outside and inside. Water is then allowed in (or out of) the lock until the level rises (or falls) to the new level outside the other gate.
Locks are important to shipping where canals link oceans of differing levels, such as the Panama Canal, or where falls or rapids are replaced by these adjustable water “steps”.
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curl · ignition lock · lock chamber · ringlet · whorl



1. A management action resisting employee's demands; employees are barred from entering the workplace until they agree to terms.
2. Industrial action taken by employers whereby
they prevent workers coming to work. For example, they may lock out existing workers who have taken strike action but carry on producing by employing other workers.
3. A lockout is someone who looks out for someone or something that is dangerous or important
4. When a business locks out workers in order to prohibit them from working, it is a lockout.
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1. The act of stopping something; SYN. stoppage.
2. The event of something ending; SYN. halt.
3. A spot where something halts or pauses
4. A brief stay in the course of a journey; SYN. stopover, layover.



1. A device for arresting or limiting motion
2. The act of stopping; the state of being stopped; check



ETYM Cf. French suspension, Latin suspensio arched work, imperfect pronunciation. Related to Suspend.
1. The act of suspending something (hanging it from above so it moves freely); SYN. dangling, hanging.
. An interruption in the intensity or amount of something; SYN. respite, reprieve, hiatus, abatement.
3. A mixture in which fine particles are suspended in a fluid where they are supported by buoyancy.
4. A temporary debarment (from a privilege or position etc); SYN. temporary removal.
5. A system of springs or shock absorbers connecting the wheels and axles to the chassis of a wheeled vehicle; SYN. suspension system.
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abatement · abeyance · break · dangling · hanging · hiatus · intermission · interruption · pause · reprieve · respite · suspension system · temporary removal + prikaži više
Sperre | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodsport
Abriegelung · Absperrung · Barriere · Blockade · Verbarrikadierung · Startverbot + prikaži više
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srpski · francuski



ETYM Cf. French suspension, Latin suspensio arched work, imperfect pronunciation. Related to Suspend.
1. The act of suspending something (hanging it from above so it moves freely); SYN. dangling, hanging.
. An interruption in the intensity or amount of something; SYN. respite, reprieve, hiatus, abatement.
3. A mixture in which fine particles are suspended in a fluid where they are supported by buoyancy.
4. A temporary debarment (from a privilege or position etc); SYN. temporary removal.
5. A system of springs or shock absorbers connecting the wheels and axles to the chassis of a wheeled vehicle; SYN. suspension system.
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