Skinner prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

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Burrhus Frederic, Susquehenna (Pa.) 20.3.1904, +Cambridge (Mass.) 18.8.1990, amerikan. Verhaltensforscher, Vertreter des Behaviorismus. B. entwarf nach seinen wiss. Erkenntnissen in 'Futurum Zwei' (1948) das Modell einer optimierten Gesellschaft.


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B(urrhus) F(rederic) (1903-1990) US psychologist, a radical behaviorist who rejected mental concepts, seeing the organism as a “black box” where internal processes are not significant in predicting behavior. He studied operant conditioning (influencing behavior patterns by reward or punishment) and held that behavior is shaped and maintained by its consequences.
His text The Behavior of Organisms 1938 set forth his argument that a certain behavior
may be obtained by positive reinforcement or eliminated by withholding reinforcement. He applied his conditioning technique to education—pioneering programmed learning—and to clinical work with psychotic patients. He devised a teaching machine to reinforce learning by reward.
Skinner was born in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, and studied at Harvard. He was professor at Indiana 1945–48 and at Harvard 1948–74.
Skinner attempted to explain even complex human behavior as a series of conditioned responses to outside stimuli. He opposed the use of punishment, arguing that it did not effectively control behavior and had unfavorable side effects.
After the Skinner box, he developed a teaching machine. This presents information to a student at a pace determined by the student, and then tests the student on the material previously presented; correct answers are rewarded, thereby reinforcing learning.
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