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(1993) "Abtaster". Kommt im PC-Bereich vor allen Dingen in zwei Bedeutungen vor: als Programm zum Absuchen anderer Programme nach Viren und als Gerät zur Aufnahme von Bilddaten. Letztere kommen als Zeilenscanner (Barcodeleser) an Supermarktkassen, als Handscanner im Hobbybereich und als Ganzseitenscanner im professionellen Bereich vor. Das Bild wird bei Handscannern meist als monochrome Grafik, bei Ganzseitenscannern mit bis zu 16,8 Millionen Farben abgelegt.
Gerät, das Objekte elektron. punkt- oder zeilenweise abtastet u. die ermittelten Daten zur Weiterverarbeitung speichert, v. a. in der Druck-Ind. u. Medizin verwendet.

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Device, usually electronic, used to sense and reproduce an image.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was being used in 1990 to tell stale food from fresh: the image of a fresh vegetable is different from that of one frozen and thawed.A device that scans automatically for some signal or condition.
An optical input device that uses light-sensing equipment to capture an image on paper or some other subject. The image is translated into a digital signal that can then be manipulated by optical character recognition (OCR) software or graphics software. Scanners come
in a number of types, including flatbed (scan head passes over a stationary subject), feed (subject is pulled across a stationary scan head), drum (subject is rotated around a stationary scan head), and handheld (user passes device over a stationary subject).
In computing, a device that can produce a digital image of a document for input and storage in a computer. It uses technology similar to that of a photocopier. Small scanners can be passed over the document surface by hand; larger versions have a flat bed, like that of a photocopier, on which the input document is placed and scanned.
Scanners are widely used to input graphics for use in desktop publishing. If text is input with a scanner, the image captured is seen by the computer as a single digital picture rather than as separate characters. Consequently, the text cannot be processed by, for example, a word processor unless suitable optical character-recognition software is available to convert the image to its constituent characters. Scanners vary in their resolution, typical hand-held scanners ranging from 75 to 300 dpi. Types include flat-bed, drum, and overhead.
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