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Silber | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Chem. Element, Zeichen Ag (lat. argentum), Ordnungszahl 47, Atommasse 107,868, Dichte 10,5. S., meist Nebenprodukt der Blei-, Gold-, Kupfer- oder Zinkgewinnung, ist ein weißglänzendes Edelmetall mit höchster Leitfähigkeit für Wärme und Elektrizität und mit der nach Gold größten Dehnbarkeit. Es ist gegenüber Luft und nichtoxidierenden Säuren beständig, beliebig legierbar, aber empfindl. gegen Schwefelverbindungen (Schwärzung). S. wird zur Münz- und Schmuckherstellung, für die Fotografie (S.salze), zur Versilberung (Spiegel, Isolierflächen), in der Elektrotechnik u.a. verwendet.

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Ag · Argentum
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imenicaarhaično, zastarelo

ETYM French argent, from Latin argentum, silver; akin to Greek argyros silver, argos, arges, white, bright, Skr. rajata white, silver, raj to shine, Irish arg white, milk, airgiod silver, money, and Latin arguere to make clear. Related to Argue.
A metal tincture used in heraldry to give a silvery appearance.
The heraldic colour silver or white.
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chemical element 047 Ag

imenica047 Ag



ETYM Old Eng. silver, selver, seolver, AS. seolfor, siolfur, siolufr, silofr, sylofr; akin to OS. silubar, OFries. selover, Dutch zilver, LG. sulver, Old High Germ. silabar, silbar, German silber, Icel. silfr, Swed. silfver, Dan. sölv, Goth. silubr, Russ. serebro, Lith. sidabras; of unknown origin.
1. A soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal; occurs in argentite
and in free form; used in coins, jewelry, tableware and photography; SYN. Ag, atomic number 47.
2. Coins made of silver.
White, lustrous, extremely malleable and ductile, metallic element, symbol Ag (from Latin argentum), atomic number 47, atomic weight 107.868. It occurs in nature in ores and as a free metal; the chief ores are sulfides, from which the metal is extracted by smelting with lead. It is one of the best metallic conductors of both heat and electricity; its most useful compounds are the chloride and bromide, which darken on exposure to light and are the basis of photographic emulsions.
Silver is used ornamentally, for jewelry and tableware, for coinage, in electroplating, electrical contacts, and dentistry, and as a solder. It has been mined since prehistory; its name is an ancient non-Indo-European one, silubr, borrowed by the Germanic branch as silber.
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Ag · ash gray · ash grey · atomic number 47 · flatware · silver gray · silver grey · silver medal + prikaži više

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Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
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