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muški rodgramatika

der mit Gewalt gegen eine Person oder unter Anwendung von Drohungen mit gegenwärtiger Gefahr für Leib u. Leben begangene Diebstahl; zu unterscheiden vom räuber. Diebstahl, bei dem ein auf frischer Tat betroffener Dieb Gewalt oder Drohung zur Sicherung seiner Beute anwendet. Im Strafrecht der BR Dtld. werden R. u. räuber. Diebstahl mit Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter einem Jahr bestraft, als schwerer R. mit Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter 5 Jahren.

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ETYM Late Lat. deprivatio.
1. The act of depriving, dispossessing, or bereaving; the act of deposing or divesting of some dignity.
2. The state of being deprived; privation; loss; want; bereavement.
3. The taking away from a clergyman his benefice, or other spiritual promotion or dignity.

loss · neediness · privation · want



1. The act of looting or plundering especially in war
2. Something taken as booty

booty · dirty money · loot · pillaging · plunder · plundering · prize · swag + prikaži više



ETYM Cf. Late Lat. piratia, Greek. Related to Pirate.
Robbery on the high seas; taking a ship away from the control of those who are legally entitled to it; SYN. buccaneering.
The taking of a ship, aircraft, or any of its contents, from lawful ownership, punishable under international law by the court of any country where the pirate may be found or taken. When the craft is taken over to alter its destination, or its passengers held to ransom, the term is hijacking. Piracy is also used to describe infringement of copyright.
Algiers (see corsairs), the West Indies (see buccaneers), the coast of Trucial Oman (th
e Pirate Coast), Chinese and Malay waters, and such hideouts as Lundy Island, SW England, were pirate haunts for many years. Between the 16th and 18th centuries, the Barbary states of N Africa (Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli) were called the Pirate States.
Modern communications and the complexities of supplying and servicing modern vessels tend to eliminate piracy, or confine it to the immediate vicinity of a harbor. However, incidents are increasing in the waters of Hong Kong, W Africa, and Brazil, and particularly in the SE Asian region, where piracy cost $200 million in 1990. In Indonesian territorial waters alone, 200 pirate attacks were reported in 1991. A pirate-monitoring and warning center was opened in 1992 by the International Maritime Bureau; however piracy on the high seas almost doubled 1993–94—the number of attempted boardings declined, but the number of successful boardings (60 ships), hijackings, and attacks in anchorages rose. Most targets were dry-cargo vessels.
The US sent a fleet to fight the Barbary pirates 1800–15, its first overseas naval and marine war, which was successfully concluded when Capt S Decatur forced the bey of Algiers to cease the practice of holding US sailors hostage until tribute was paid.
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ETYM Latin praedatio, from praedari to plunder.
1. An act of plundering; SYN. depredation, preying.
2. A mode of life in which food is primarily obtained by the killing and consuming of animals.




1. In law, sexual intercourse without the consent of the subject. Most cases of rape are of women by men. In Islamic law a rape accusation requires the support of four independent male witnesses.
Some jurisdictions allow ch
arges of rape to be brought against husbands replacing older legal doctrine asserting a wife's duty to submit to sex with her spouse. Sexual intercourse with a minor, not necessarily involving penetration, is defined as statutory rape (see child abuse).
2. The act of despoiling a country in warfare; SYN. rapine.
3. The crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will; SYN. violation, assault, ravishment, sexual assault.
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Brassica napus · assault · colza · rapine · ravishment · violation + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren. roberie.
Larceny by threat of violence.
In law, a variety of theft: stealing from a person, using force, or the threat of force, to intimidate the victim.




ETYM Cf. Old Fren. espoille, Latin spolium.
1. The act of stripping and taking by force; SYN. spoliation, spoilation, despoliation, despoilment.
2. The act of spoiling; SYN. spoiling, spoilage.
3. (Usually plural) Valuables taken by violence (especially in war).

despoilation · despoilment · despoliation · spoilage · spoilation · spoiling · spoliation + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. thefte, as. thiéfthe, thyfthe, theófthe. Related to Thief.
1. The act of stealing; specifically, the felo
nious taking and removing of personal property.
2. The thing stolen.
Dishonest appropriation of another's property with the intention of depriving him or her of it permanently.
In the us it is an informal name for the crime of larceny.
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larceny · stealing · thievery · thieving

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