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Klischee | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodgramatika

(übertragen) Vielgebrauchter u. daher nichtssagender Ausdruck, abgegriffene Redensart.
(Drucktechnik) In der Drucktechnik
der Druckstock oder die Druckplatte für die Hochdruck-Verfahren.
1) verallgemeinernde Bez. für eine Ätzung oder Druckplatte im Hochdruck.
2) nichtssagende, billige Nachahmung; abgegriffene Redewendung, Banalität, Plattheit (von Äußerungen).

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A figurative expression used so often that it has lost its figurative power.



Phrase that has grown stale from overuse, for example “over the moon”, “green with envy”. The name is derived from the French word for a stereotype block—a block made for printing a phrase that was in constant use, to save the printer having to set each letter separately.



ETYM Stereo- + -type: cf. French stéréotype.
A conventional or formulaic conception or image.
Metal printing plate cast from a mold of the setup type; standardised or hackneyed image or concept.
In sociology, a fixed, exaggerated, and preconceived description about a certain ty
pe of person, group, or society.
It is based on prejudice rather than fact, but by repetition and with time, stereotypes become fixed in people's minds, resistant to change or factual evidence to the contrary.
The term, originally used for a method of duplicate printing, was adopted in a social sense by the US journalist Walter Lippman in 1922. Stereotypes can prove dangerous when used to justify persecution and discrimination. Some sociologists believe that stereotyping reflects a power structure in which one group in society uses labeling to keep another group “in its place”.
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