bromide značenje | engleski leksikon

bromide značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / broʊmaɪd /

Množina: bromides


1. Any of the salts of hydrobromic acid; used as a sedative.
2. Sodium or potassium bromide.
Compound of bromine; silver bromide, used in photography; sedative drug composed of bromine and potassium hydrate; person
using this drug; trite statement
Salt of the halide series containing the Br- ion, which is formed when a bromine atom gains an electron.
The term “bromide” is sometimes used to describe an organic compound containing a bromine atom, even though it is not ionic. Modern naming uses the term “bromo-” in such cases. For example, the compound C2H5Br is now called bromoethane; its traditional name, still used sometimes, is ethyl bromide.

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Bromide značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / broʊmaɪd /

Town in Oklahoma (USA).

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