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(Theologie) Gesamtheit der sich auf Jesus Christus als ihren Stifter berufenden christl. Kirchen u. Glaubensgemeinschaften.
(Bauwerk) Christl. Gotteshaus.
(griech. kyriakón 'das zum Herrn gehörige Haus')
Das Gotteshaus, d.h. das der christl. Gottesverehrung geweihte Gebäude, davon abgeleitet K. als Bez. der christl. Gemeinde, der Gesamtchristenheit oder ihrer Teile (Konfessionen). Die Religionssoziologie nennt - im Unterschied zu den Sekten - folgende Merkmale der K.: interne Rollendifferenzierung (Amtsträger und Laien); rationaler Charakter ihrer Organisation; religiöse Sozialisierung der Mitglieder; universaler Geltungsanspruch.

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ETYM Late Lat. cathedralis (sc. ecclesia): cf. French cathédrale. Related to Cathedra.
1. Any large and important church.
2. The principal Christian church building of a bishop's diocese.
Principal Christian church of a bishop or archbishop, containing his throne, which is usually situated on the south si
de of the choir. A cathedral is governed by a dean and chapter.
Formerly, cathedrals were distinguished as either monastic or secular, the clergy of the latter not being members of a regular monastic order. Because of their importance, cathedrals were for many centuries the main focus of artistic and architectural endeavor. Their artworks include stained glass, frescoes, mosaics, carvings in wood and stone, paintings (such as altarpieces), ironwork, and textiles. Most cathedrals were built during the Middle Ages and reflect the many styles of Romanesque and Gothic architecture. There are cathedrals in most of the important cities of the world.
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ETYM Old Eng. chirche, chireche, cherche, Scot. kirk, from AS. circe, cyrice; akin to Dutch kerk, Icel. kirkja, Swed. kyrka.
1. A group of Christians; any group professing Christian doctrine or belief; SYN. Christian church, Christianity.
2. A building used for public (especially Christian) worship; SYN. church building.
designed as a Christian place of worship; also the Christian community generally, or a subdivision or denomination of it, such as the Church of England. Churches were first built in the 3rd century, when persecution ceased under the Holy Roman emperor Constantine.
The original church design was based on the Roman basilica, with a central nave, aisles either side, and an apse at one end. Many Western churches are built on an east–west axis with an altar at the east end, facing toward Jerusalem.
The church in the sense of the whole body of Christians is taken to include both those who are alive (the church militant) and those who have died and are in heaven (the church triumphant).
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