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ETYM Old Eng. kernel, kirnel, curnel, as. cyrnel, from corn grain. Related to Corn, Kern to harden.
(Homonym: colonel).
1. A single whole grain of a cereal.
. The choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience: SYN. substance, core, center, essence, gist, heart, inwardness, marrow, meat, nub, pith, sum, nitty-gritty.
3. The inner and usually edible part of a seed or grain or nut or fruit stone; SYN. meat.
The inner, softer part of a nut, or of a seed within a hard shell.
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ETYM Latin, a kernel, dim. from nux, nucis, nut. Related to Newel post.
In biology, the central, membrane-enclosed part of a eukaryotic cell, containing the chromosomes.

1. The positively charged dense center of an atom.
2. A part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction; SYN. cell nucleus.
3. (Astronomy) The center of the head of a comet; consists of small solid particles of ice and frozen gas that vaporizes on approaching the sun to form the coma and tail.
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cell nucleus · core · core group · karyon



1. A disease of poultry.
2. A minor nonspecific ailment.
3. An individual rootstock of the lily of the va
4. A diamond-shaped insignia of rank worn by a second lieutenant, lieutenant, or captain in the British army
5. A small fruit seed; especially; one of a several-seeded fleshy fruit
6. One extraordinary of its kind
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ETYM as. pitha; akin to Dutch pit pith, kernel, lg. peddik. Related to Pit a kernel.
1. A usually continuous central strand of spongy tissue in the
stems of most vascular plants that probably functions chiefly in storage.
2. Soft spongelike central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants.
3. The soft or spongy interior of a part of the body.
4. The essential part; core; substantial quality (as of meaning).
5. Importance.
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ETYM French, from Latin quinta essentia fifth essence. Related to Quint, and Essence.
1. The purest and most concentrated essen
ce of something.
2. The most typical example or representative of a type.
3. (Archaic) The fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water; was believed to be the substance composing all heavenly bodies; SYN. ether.
Purest essence.
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ETYM Old Eng. ston, stan, as. stân.
1. A piece of rock, usually rounded, of small or medium size.
2. A piece of stone h
ewn in a definite shape for a special purpose.
3. The single central seed in some fruits such as peaches and cherries enclosed in a hard woody shell; SYN. pit.
4. (British) An avoirdupois unit used to measure the weight of a human body; equal to 14 pounds.
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(Hüttenwesen) In der Gießerei massiver Teil der Gußform, der im Gußstück einen gewünschten Hohlraum ausspart.
1) Bez. für die Samen oder Samenkapseln im Innern von Früch
ten. 2) (Zellkern) Chromosomen.
3) (Atomkern) der im Zentrum befindl. positiv geladene Teil eines Atoms. Der K. enthält fast die gesamte Masse eines Atoms (99,95 bis 99,98 %), seine Massendichte (Kerndichte) ist extrem groß.
4) beim Metallguß der in die fertige Form eingelegte Körper, mit dem Durchbrüche, Hohlräume oder Aussparungen erzeugt werden.

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1. Constituting or like a nucleus
2. (Of power and warfare and weaponry) Using atomic energy; SYN. atomic.
3. (Physics) Pertaining to nuclear fission or fusion.
4. (Biology) Pertaining to a cell's nucleus

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muški rodlično ime

Werke: »Show-boat«, »Music in the air«.

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(David) (1885-1945) US composer. Many of Kern’s songs have become classics, notably ‘Smoke Gets in Your Eyes’ from his musical Roberta 1933. He wrote the operetta Show Boat 1927, which includes the song ‘Ol’ Man River’.
Based on Edna Ferber’s novel, Show Boat was the first example of serious musical theater in the US. Kern wrote dozens of hit songs and musicals from 1904 and Hollywood movies from the beginning of the sound era 1927. He worked mainly with lyricist Otto Harbach but also with Ira Gershwin, Oscar Hammerstein II, Dorothy Fields, and Johnny Mercer.
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(Homonym: corps).
1. The center of an object.
2. The central part of the earth.
3. The region of a nuclear reactor containing the fissile mater
ial where the reaction takes place.
4. A small group of indispensable persons or things; SYN. nucleus, core group.
5. A rod of magnetic material (as soft iron) that passes through a coil and serves to increase the inductance of the coil.
6. A cylindrical sample of soil or rock obtained with a hollow drill.
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Leonhard, dt. Bildhauer, Forchtenberg am Kocher 22.11.1588, +Schwäbisch Hall 4.4.1662, Meister der dt. Spätrenaissance und Kleinplastiker, tätig in Heidelberg, ab 1620 in Schwäbisch Hall, schuf den plast. Schmuck der äußeren Portale des Nürnberger Rathauses von 1617 (heute im Hof des German. Museums). Weitere Werke: 'Totenauferstehung' (Alabasterrelief in der Michaelskirche in Schwäbisch Hall); 'Badeszene' (Relief, Frankfurt, Städel). Grabmäler in Nürnberg (German. Museum).

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