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muški rodgramatika

3) in der Physik Bez. für das Teilchen in einer Flüssigkeit oder in einem Gas, an dem Kondensation bzw. Erstarrung einsetzt.

Bazillus · Krankheitserreger · Krankheitskeim · pathogenes Bakterium · Keimling · Knospenansatz · Pflanzentrieb · Sämling · Wurzeltrieb + prikaži više
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ETYM French germe, from Latin germen, germinis, sprout, but, germ. Related to Germen, Germane.
1. A microorganism, such as a bacterium.
2. A microorganis
m causing disease; a pathogen.
3. A seed or bud.
4. A source or beginning.
Colloquial term for a microorganism that causes disease, such as certain bacteria and viruses. Formerly, it was also used to mean something capable of developing into a complete organism (such as a fertilized egg, or the embryo of a seed).
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bug · microbe · seed · source



Pertaining to germ or germination; pertaining to embryo. Containing seeds of later development; SYN. originative, seminal.



ETYM Old Eng. seed, sed, as. saed, from sâwan to sow; akin to Dutch zaad seed, German saat, Icel. sâth, saethi, Goth. manasęths seed of men, world. Related to Sow to scatter seed, and cf. Colza.
The reproductive structure of higher plants (angiosperms and gymnosperms). It develops from a fertilized ovule and consists of an embryo and a food store, surrounded and protected by an outer seed coat, called the testa. The food store is contained either in a specialized nutritive tissue, the endosperm, or in the cotyledons of the em
bryo itself. In angiosperms the seed is enclosed within a fruit, whereas in gymnosperms it is usually naked and unprotected, once shed from the female cone.
Following germination the seed develops into a new plant.
Seeds may be dispersed from the parent plant in a number of different ways. Agents of dispersal include animals, as with burs and fleshy edible fruits, and wind, where the seed or fruit may be winged or plumed. Water can disperse seeds or fruits that float, and various mechanical devices may eject seeds from the fruit, as in the pods of some leguminous plants (see legume).
There may be a delay in the germination of some seeds to ensure that growth occurs under favorable conditions (see after-ripening, dormancy). Most seeds remain viable for at least 15 years if dried to about 5% water and kept at -20şC/-4şF, although 20% of them will not survive this process.
(Homonym: cede).
1. A mature fertilized plant ovule consisting of an embryo and its food source and having a protective coat or testa.
2. A small hard fruit.
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ETYM French chute. Related to Chute. Confused with shoot to let fly.
(Homonym: chute).
1. A new branch.
2. The act of shooting at targets.

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Bazillus · Krankheitserreger · Krankheitskeim · pathogenes Bakterium · Keimling · Knospenansatz · Pflanzentrieb · Sämling · Wurzeltrieb + prikaži više
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Pertaining to germ or germination; pertaining to embryo. Containing seeds of later development; SYN. originative, seminal.

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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije