Creme prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Creme | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodgramatika

(übertragen) Feine, erlesene Gesellschaft; etwas Auserlesenes. Crème de la crème, die oberste Gesellschaftsschicht.
(Körperpflege) Zur Haut-, Zahn-, Haar- oder Schuhpflege verwendete Salbe oder Paste.
(Suppe) Sämige Suppe, r
ahmartige Sauce.
(Konditoreiwesen) Füllung für Pralinen.
(Süßspeise) Krem, Sahne, schaumartige Süßspeise.
1. Flüssige bis pastenartige, der Hautpflege dienende, wasserhaltige Masse aus tier., pflanzl. oder mineral. Substanzen.
2. Dickflüssige oder schaumige Süßspeise, auch als Tortenbestandteil
3. Paste für die Schuhpflege (Schuh-C.). -
4. Im übertragenen Sinne: das Feinste; gesellschaftl. Oberschicht (C. de la C.).

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1. A sweet liqueur
2. Cream or a preparation made with or resembling cream used in cooking
3. something having the consistency of cream; especially; a usually emulsified medicinal or cosmetic preparation.



ETYM French cręme, perh. from Late Lat. crema cream of milk; cf. Latin cremor thick juice or broth, perh. akin to cremare to burn.
1. Any of various substances resembling cream that have a soothing effect when applied to the skin; SYN. ointment, emollient.
2. The best people or thin
gs in a group; SYN. pick.
3. The part of milk containing the butterfat.
The part of milk that has the highest fat content; it can be separated by centrifugation or gravity (if milk is left to stand, the upper layer will be cream, the lower layer skimmed milk). To whip cream, that is, process it to trap air bubbles, it must contain at least 30% fat. Clotted cream is made from heating double cream over a bain marie, or by floating milk and skimming off the clotted upper layer. It should contain 55% fat and 4% protein.
A usually emulsified medicinal or cosmetic preparation.
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emollient · ointment · pick

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