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1. A heavy load to carry; SYN. load, weight, onus.
2. An onerous or difficult concern; SYN. load, encumbrance, incumbrance, onus.
3. The central idea that is expanded in a document or discourse.

core · effect · encumbrance · essence · gist · incumbrance · load · loading · onus + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. lode load, way; properly the same word as lode, but confused with lade, load, v. Related to Lade, Lead, Lode.
(Homonym: load).
1. Something to be borne or conveyed; SYN. loading, burden.
2. A quantity that can be processed or transported at one ti
me; SYN. loading.
3. The power output of a generator or power plant.
4. A device to which electrical power is delivered.
5. (Informal) An amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate.
In earth sciences, material transported by a river. It includes material carried on and in the water (suspended load) and material bounced or rolled along the river bed (bedload). A river's load is greatest during a flood, when its discharge is at its highest.
The term “load” can also refer to material transported by a glacier or by the sea.
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burden · cargo · consignment · encumbrance · freight · incumbrance · lading · loading · lode · onus · payload · shipment · warhead + prikaži više

Reč dana 16.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, životinja
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, hemija