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(Herzogtum) Ehem. rechtsrhein. Herzogtum (seit 1380) mit der Hptst. Düsseldorf.

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1. A piece of metal (as in a ring or other jewelry) that holds a gem in place; SYN. setting.
2. A high hill; m
ountain — used especially before an identifying name
3. An act or instance of mounting; specifically; an opportunity to ride a horse in a race
4. A means of conveyance; especially; saddle horse
5. Frame, support
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ETYM Old Eng. mountaine, montaine, French montagne, Late Lat. montanea, montania, from Latin mons, montis, a mountain; cf. montanus belonging to a mountain. Related to Mount.
A land mass that projects well above
its surroundings; higher than a hill; SYN. mount.
Natural upward projection of the Earth's surface, higher and steeper than a hill. The process of mountain building (orogeny) consists of volcanism, folding, faulting, and thrusting, resulting from the collision and welding together of two tectonic plates (see plate tectonics). This process deforms the rock and compresses the sediment between the two plates into mountain chains.
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Alban, 1885, 1935, östr. Komponist; Schüler A. Schönbergs. Seine 3 Orchesterstücke 1914 u. bes. die Oper »Wozzeck« (nach G. Büchners »Woyzeck«) sind Höhepunkte des musikal. Expressionismus. Die »Lyrische Suite« für Streichquartett ist z. T., die unvollendete Oper »Lulu« (nach F. Wedekind) ganz in der Zwölftontechnik geschrieben.

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(1885-1935) Austrian composer. He studied under Arnold Schoenberg and developed a personal twelve-tone idiom of great emotional and stylistic versatility. His relatively small output includes two operas: Wozzeck 1920, a grim story of working-class life, and the unfinished Lulu 1929–35; and chamber music incorporating coded references to friends and family.
His music is emotionally expressive, and sometimes anguished, but it can also be lyrical, as in the Violin Concerto 1935.
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Paul, 30.6.1926, US-amerik. Biochemiker; 1980 zus. mit W. Gilbert u. F. Sanger Nobelpreis für Chemie.

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(1926-) US molecular biologist. In 1972, using gene-splicing techniques developed by others, Berg spliced and combined into a single hybrid the DNA from an animal tumor virus (SV40) and the DNA from a bacterial virus. For his work on recombinant DNA, he shared the 1980 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
Berg was born in New York and educated at Pennsylvani
a State University and Case Western Reserve University. Between 1955 and 1974 he held several positions at Washington University.
In 1956 Berg identified an RNA molecule (later known as a transfer RNA) that is specific to the amino acid methionine. He then perfected a method for making bacteria accept genes from other bacteria. This genetic engineering can be extremely useful for creating strains of bacteria to manufacture specific substances, such as interferon. But there are also dangers: a new, highly virulent pathogenic microorganism might accidentally be created, for example. Berg has therefore advocated restrictions on genetic engineering research.
Related Articles: DNA, Gilbert, Walter.
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Bengt, 1885, 1967, schwed. Schriftst. u. Tierphotograph; unternahm Expeditionen nach Afrika u. Asien; schrieb zahlr. Tierbücher.

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Claus, um 1475, 1532/35, dt.-dän. Bildschnitzer; nach B. Notke einer der bed. Künstler im Ostseegebiet; schuf den Altar in Odense (Dänemark).

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Dt. Architekt, Stettin 17.4.1870, +Baden-Baden 24.1.1947; entwarf die Jahrhunderthalle in Breslau (1912/13), einen der kühnsten Stahlbetonbauten seiner Zeit.

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