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ETYM French trompette, dim. of trompe. Related to Trump a trumpet.
1. A brass musical instrument consisting of a long metallic tube, curved (once or twice) into an oval shape, and ending in a bell.
2. A trumpet player.
3. One who praises, or propagates praise, or is the instrument of propagating it.
Member of an ancient family of lip-reed instruments existing worldwi
de in a variety of forms and materials, and forming part of the brass section in a modern orchestra. Its distinguishing features are a generally cylindrical bore and straight or coiled shape, producing a penetrating tone of stable pitch for signaling and ceremonial use. Valve trumpets were introduced around 1820, giving access to the full range of chromatic pitches.
Today's orchestral trumpet is valued for its clearly focused, brilliant tone, and variants of the normal C4 trumpet in current use include the soprano in D, piccolo (clarino) trumpet in C5, and bass trumpet in C3, an addition suggested by Wagner. In brass bands the B flat soprano instrument is normally used. The trumpet is a traditional solo jazz instrument, and players demonstrate particular skill in high harmonics.
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1. A musician who plays the trumpet or cornet; SYN. cornetist.
2. Large gregarious forest-dwelling cranelike bird of South America having glossy black plumage and a loud prolonged
cry; easily domesticated.
3. Large pure white wild swan of western North America having a sonorous cry; SYN. trumpeter swan, Cygnus buccinator.
Any South American bird of the genus Psophia, family Psophiidae, up to 50 cm/20 in tall, related to the cranes. Trumpeters have long legs, a short bill, and dark plumage. The name is also applied to the trumpeter swan.
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Cygnus buccinator · cornetist · herald · trumpeter swan

Reč dana 16.09.2024.

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