transpiration prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

transpiration | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

Fonction physiologique d'élimination de l'excès d'eau et des toxines par la sueur chez les animaux, par évaporation chez les végétaux.

diaphorèse · exhalation · fumée · moiteur · mouillure · sudation · sueur · émanation + prikaži više
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srpski · nemački



ETYM Cf. French perspiration.
Excretion of water and dissolved substances from the sweat glands of the skin of mamm
als. Perspiration has two main functions: body cooling by the evaporation of water from the skin surface, and excretion of waste products such as salts.
Salty fluid secreted by sweat glands; SYN. sweat, diaphoresis, sudor, hidrosis, water.
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diaphoresis · hidrosis · sudation · sudor · sweat · sweating + prikaži više



ETYM Cf. Old Eng. swot, as. swât. Related to Sweat.
1. Condensation of moisture on a cold surface.
2. Agitation resulting from active worry
3. Salty fluid secreted by sweat glands
4. Use of physical or mental energy; hard work

effort · elbow grease · exertion · fret · lather · perspiration · stew · sudor · swither · travail + prikaži više



ETYM French transpiration.
The loss of water from a plant by evaporation. Most water is lost from the leaves through pores known as stomata, whose primary function is to allow gas exchange between the plant's internal
tissues and the atmosphere. Transpiration from the leaf surfaces causes a continuous upward flow of water from the roots via the xylem, which is known as the transpiration stream.
A single corn plant has been estimated to transpire 65 gal/245 l of water in one growing season.
1. The emission of water vapor from the leaves of plants.
2. The passage of gases through fine tubes because of differences in pressure or temperature.
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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije