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ETYM Latin transitus, from transire to go over: cf. French transit. Related to Transient.
In astronomy, the passage of a smaller object across the visible disc of a larger one. Transits of the inferior planets occur when they pass directly between the Earth and the Sun, and are seen as tiny dark sp
ots against the Sun's disc.
Other forms of transit include the passage of a satellite or its shadow across the disc of Jupiter and the passage of planetary surface features across the central meridian of that planet as seen from Earth. The passage of an object in the sky across the observer's meridian is also known as a transit.
1. The act of passing; passage through or over.
2. The act or process of causing to pass; transportation.
3. A line or route of passage or transportation.
4. An instrument resembling a theodolite, used by surveyors and engineers to measure angles.
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