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ETYM French affliction, Latin afflictio, from affligere.
1. A cause of great suffering and distress.
2. A condition of suffering or distress due to ill health.
3. A state of great suffering and distress due to adversity.



1. Feelings of mental or physical pain; SYN. hurt.
2. Misery resulting from affliction; SYN. woe.
Physical or mental pain, interpreted in different ways in different faiths. In Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, suffering arises as a direct result of th
e actions (karma) of this or a previous life. In Chinese religion it arises from an imbalance in yin and yang, the forces of the universe. For Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, there is a problem of how to relate a good, loving God with the seemingly inevitable suffering in the world. In Christianity and Judaism the world is seen as having been created good, but becoming subject to suffering by humanity's disobedience. Both look forward to an age when suffering will no longer exist. Islam sees suffering as a test sent by God. + prikaži više

agony · distress · excruciation · hurt · woe



ETYM Old Fren. torment, French tourment, from Latin tormentum an engine for hurling missiles, an instrument of torture, a rack, torture, from torquere to turn, to twist, hurl. Related to Turture.
1. Extreme pain; anguish; torture; the utmost degree of misery, either of body or mind.
2. That which gives pain, vexation, or misery.

agony · anguish · badgering · bedevilment · curse · harassment · torture · worrying + prikaži više

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