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temps | francusko - engleski rečnik


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1. Durée. Le temps d'un aller et retour.
2. Heure. Il viendra en son temps.
3. Phase. Une valse ŕ trois temps.
4. Moment.
5. Époque. Un temps de crises.
6. Climat.
7. Météo. Un mauvais temps.
8. Catégorie verbale liée ŕ l'époque relative de l'action.

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ETYM French climat, Latin clima, -atis, from Greek, slope, the supposed slope of the earth, hence a region or zone of the earth, from klinein to slope, incline.
1. The prevailing psychological state; SYN. mood.
2. The weather in some location averaged over some long period of time; SYN. clime.
Weather conditions at a particular place over a period of time. Climate encompasses all the meteorological elements and the factors that influence them. The primary factors that determine the variations of climate over the surface of the Earth are: (a) the effect of latitude and the tilt of the Earth's axis to the plane of the orbit about the Sun (66.5ş); (b) the large-scale movements of different wind belts over the Earth's surface; (c) the temperature difference between land and sea; (d) contours of the ground; and (e) location of the area in relation to ocean currents. Catastrophic variations to climate may be caused by the impact of another planetary body, or by clouds resulting from volcanic activity. The most important local or global meteorological changes brought about by human activity are those linked with ozone depleters and the greenhouse effect.
How much heat the Earth receives from the Sun varies in different latitudes and at different times of the year. In the equ
atorial region the mean daily temperature of the air near the ground has no large seasonal variation. In the polar regions the temperature in the long winter, when there is no incoming solar radiation, falls far below the summer value. Climate types were first classified by Wladimir Köppen (1846–1940) in 1884. The temperature of the sea, and of the air above it, varies little in the course of day or night, whereas the surface of the land is rapidly cooled by lack of solar radiation. In the same way the annual change of temperature is relatively small over the sea and great over the land. Continental areas are thus colder than the sea in winter and warmer in summer. Winds that blow from the sea are warm in winter and cool in summer, while winds from the central parts of continents are hot in summer and cold in winter. On average, air temperature drops with increasing land height at a rate o.
F 1şC/1.8şF per 90 m/300 ft. Thus places situated above mean sea level usually have lower temperatures than places at or near sea level. Even in equatorial regions, high mountains are snow-covered during the whole year. Rainfall is produced by the condensation of water vapor in air. When winds blow against a range of mountains so that the air is forced to ascend, rain results, the amount depending on the height of the ground and the dampness of the air. The complexity of the distribution of land and sea, and the consequent complexity of the general circulation of the atmosphere, have a direct effect on the distribution of the climate. Centered on the equator is a belt of tropical rainforest, which may be either constantly wet or monsoonal (seasonal with wet and dry seasons in each year). On each side of this is a belt of savannah, with lighter seasonal rainfall and less dense vegetation, largely in the form of grasses. Usually there is then a transition through steppe (semiarid) to desert (arid), with a furth.
Er transition through steppe to Mediterranean climate with dry summer, followed by the moist temperate climate of middle latitudes. Next comes a zone of cold climate with moist winter. Where the desert extends into middle latitudes, however, the zones of Mediterranean and moist temperate climates are missing, and the transition is from desert to a cold climate with moist winter. In the extreme east of Asia a cold climate with dry winters extends from about 70ş N to 35ş N . The polar caps have tundra and glacial climates, with little or no precipitation (rain or snow).
Climate changes over the last millennium can be detected by geophysicists using downhole measurement.
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clime · mood



ETYM Old Eng. time, as. tîma, akin to tîd time, and to Icel. tîmi, Dan. time an hour, Swed. timme. Related to Tide.
Continuous passage of existence, recorded by division into hours, minutes, and seconds. Formerly the measurement of time was based on the Earth's rotation on its axis, but this was found to be irregular. Therefore the second, the standard si unit of time, was redefined 1956 in terms of the Earth's annual orbit of the Sun, and 1967 in terms of a radiation pattern of the element cesi
Universal time (ut), based on the Earth's actual rotation, was replaced by coordinated universal time (utc) 1972, the difference between the two involving the addition (or subtraction) of leap seconds on the last day of June or Dec. National observatories make standard time available in various countries. From 1986 the term Greenwich Mean Time was replaced by utc. However, the Greenwich meridian, adopted 1884, remains that from which all longitudes are measured, and the world's standard time zones are calculated from it.
(Homonym: thyme).
1. The continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past.
2. An indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities).
3. An instance or single occasion for some event; SYN. clip.
4. A suitable moment.
5. A person's experience on a particular occasion; or.
6. A duration considered as a resource under one's control and sufficient to accomplish something.
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ETYM Old Eng. weder, AS. weder.
(Homonym: wether, whether).
The meteorological conditions: temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation; SYN. weather condition, atmospheric condition.
Day-to-day variation of climatic and atmospheric conditions at any one place, or the state of these conditions at a place at any one time. Such conditions include humidity, precipitation, temperature, cloud cover, visibility, and wind. To a meteorologist the term
weather” is limited to the state of the sky, precipitation, and visibility as affected by fog or mist. A region’s climate is derived from the average weather conditions over a long period of time. See also meteorology.
Weather forecasts, in which the likely weather is predicted for a particular area, based on meteorological readings, may be short-range (covering a period of one or two days), medium-range (five to seven days), or long-range (a month or so). Readings from a series of scattered recording stations are collected and compiled on a weather map. Such a procedure is called synoptic forecasting. The weather map uses conventional symbols to show the state of the sky, the wind speed and direction, the kind of precipitation, and other details at each gathering station. Points of equal atmospheric pressure are joined by lines called isobars. The trends shown on such a map can be extrapolated to predict what weather is coming.
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temps | francusko - engleski rečnik


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ETYM Old Fren. tens, properly, time, French temps time, tense. Related to Temporal of time, and cf. Thing.
A grammatical category of verbs used to express distinctions of time.
In grammar, the form a verb takes to indicate action in the present, past, or future (“i work; I worked; I will work”).

Reč dana 05.10.2024.

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