teinture prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

teinture | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Liquide utilisé pour teindre des étoffes par ex. mais surtout, aujourd'hui les cheveux, la barbe.
2. Opération qui
consiste ŕ teindre.
3. (Pharmaceutique) Dissolution dans l'alcool de différents produits. Teinture d'iode.
4. Couche superficielle d'éducation, de connaissances dans une domaine particulier. Il a une teinture de connaissances historiques.

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(Homonym: die) Substance that, applied in solution to fabrics, imparts a color resistant to washing. Direct dyes combine with the material of the fabric, yielding a colored compound; indirect dyes require the presence of another substance (a mordant), with which the fabric must first be treated; vat dyes are colorless soluble substances that on exposure to air yield an insoluble colored compound.
Naturally occurring dyes include indigo, madder (alizarin), logwood, and cochineal, but industrial dyes (introduced in the 19th century) are usually synthetic: acid green was developed 1835 and bright purple 1856.
Industrial dyes include azo dyestuffs, acridine, anthracene, and aniline.
A usually soluble substance for staining or coloring e.g. fabrics or hair; SYN. dyestuff.
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ETYM Latin tinctura a dyeing, from tingere, tinctum, to tinge, dye: cf. Old Eng. tainture, teinture, French teinture, Latin tinctura. Related to Tinge.
A heraldic colour or metal.
1. A medicinal extract in an alcohol solution.
2. A substances that colors metals.
Color; dye; slight amount; extract of medicinal principle of a plant.
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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja