séparation prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

séparation | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Fait de séparer. La séparation des composants d'un mélange.
2. Distinction. La séparation des facteurs.
3. Rupture. Une séparation ŕ l'amiable.
4. Éloignement. Une longue séparation.

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srpski · nemački



ETYM French division, Latin divisio, from dividere. Related to Divide.
1. Separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart; SYN. partition, partitioning, segmentation, subdivision, sectionalization.
2. The act or process of dividing or splitting
3. (Biology) A group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category.
4. (Botany) Taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum.
5. An administrative unit in government or business.
6. An arithmetic operation that is the inverse of multiplication; the quotient of two numbers is computed.
7. Discord that splits a group; SYN. variance.
8. An army unit large enough to sustain combat.
9. A group of ships of similar type.
10. A unit of the US air force usually comprising two or more wings.
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air division · class · naval division · part · partition · partitioning · section · sectionalisation · sectionalization · segmentation · variance + prikaži više



1. The act of parting or dividing; the state of being parted; division; separation.
2. A separation; a departure.r /> 3. A surface or line of separation where a division occurs.
4. The separation and determination of alloys; esp., the separation, as by acids, of gold from silver in the assay button.
5. A joint or fissure, as in a coal seam.
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farewell · leave · leave-taking · part



ETYM Latin separatio: cf. French séparation.
1. Coming apart; SYN. breakup, detachment.
2. Sorting one thing from others.
3. The act of dividing or disconnecting.
4. The social act of separating or parting company.
5. The state of lacking unity.

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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